Norton Mobile Security Server Error (at activation)


I tried to activate Norton on my android phone but the app gets a “Server Error” anytime.
So i can’t use the app. The license is activated on my pc but on my phone it doesn’t work.

Can you help me?


Finally, it activated. English US and German wouldn't work, but English UK did. I don't know whether it was that or it was a temporary server problem (I only started the process yesterday), but I am really grateful for your help guys! Thanks again!

Thank you! However, I am running on Android 7.1 and there is no Region Setting there (also checked an older device with Android 5.1). It seems it is present only on Android 6 :(

Under Android 6 you have to go to Settings > Language & Input (or something like this) and there you can change the Region Setting

I am having the same problem and I cannot locate the Region Setting you mentioned (as changing language on my device did not work). Could you tell me where exactly you changed the Region?

Thanks it works. But it was not the Language setting (got German). It was the Region Setting. Norton had a problem with the Setting "other countries". I switched it to USA and the initial setup finished correctly. After that i switched back to "other countries"

I have experienced this and I pinpointed the problem to an issue with the language of my device. Is your device set to English? If not, switch it to either English (United States or United Kingdom) and try again. This worked for me.

Let me know if this works

Yes i restarted the phone. Reinstalled the app a few times.
It’s still the same problem

And you tried restarting the phone?

There could be something corrupted in your installation. Try reinstalling the app. Clear the app cache and data, then uninstall the app. Restart the phone and install the app again from the Google Play Store.


Yes i cleared the app cache and data.
Now the app screens an error while initiating which says: “Error while connecting to the Server. Check your Network settings”
I can choose Repeat or abort. Repeat doesn’t change anything.
I tried it with different wlans and with my mobile network.

Have you tried clearing the app cache and data as I described above?


Since nearly 2 months.
I can’t open the app settings because the error happens while the app opens and tries to do the initial setup.

How long have you seen this error message? If it is a server issue, it should not last too long.

If it has been happening for more than a day, try going into the Norton Mobile Security, NMS app settings. Tap on the 3 bars at the top left of the NMS screen and tap on Settings. Scroll down to the Anti Theft section and turn off the Device Administrator setting.  Now go to Android Settings - Apps. Scroll to the NMS app and clear the app cache and app Data. Restart the device and turn the Device Administrator setting back on. This will reset your NMS to a trial version. To get the full version back, open the NMS app, tap on the 3 bars at the top left, then tap Sign In. Enter your Norton Account information and you should have the full version again.

Then test to see if things work properly.