Every time I try to log into my mobile account to "manage devices" I get immediately logged out. This has been going on for about a week. Any solutions? It doesn't matter if I'm using my mobile browser or PC browser, same problem.
Hi eadams76.
Welcome to the Norton Community Forums.
Sorry to hear of your problems. Was it working correctly prior to a week ago and if so has anything happened between it working and not?
Do you have any other Norton Software registered apart from Norton Mobile Security?
What website are you using to log on? Is it mobilesecurity.norton.com?
When you say that get immediately logged out, what exactly do you mean? Why do you think that it logged you in, in the first case?
I look forward to hearing back from you and hope that we will be able to get to the bottom of this quickly.
I also have Norton Internet security for my PCs. It recently auto renewed. I saw a previous thread mentioning server issues on your side. Nothing has changed on my end.
Also, yes, using the website above, which is also the direct link in the mobile app.
One last note, I’m trying to log into the Device Manager option, to add a new device and remove an old one. Once I log in, the browser (all browsers) tries to connect but immediately logs me out and redirects me to the sign in page.
Hi eadams76
It may just be a temporary server issue that is preventing you from logging
into the Norton Mobile Security (NMS) web Control Panel.
Try logging in from time to time and if the issue is not resolved in 24 hours
or so return to the forums and let us know.
Otherwise in the mean time from your posts i believe you may have tried to
login to the NMS Control Panel on a mobile device, is that correct.?
If not it might be worth a try to test it out.
One last thing being are you able to login or Sign In to the Norton Account
website just as a test using the link below and your Norton Account details.?
Keep us posted on how you go. :)
I can access my Norton accounts, but cannot access the mobile security site to manage devices.
You have me puzzled eadams76.
However it strikes me that one possibility for you being logged straight out of the mobilesecurity.norton.com website, could be that your licence for NMS is not recognised as valid. When did you purchase it? Is it possible that it has expired? What duration remaining is shown on NMS on your device (open NMS and it should give the number of days remaining at the bottom of the screen)?
120 days remaining, I can see the valid subscription in my Norton account
I think you have got me beat.
All I can think of is that there may be some issue with the password and wonder what would happen if, when going to log on to mobilesecurity.norton.com, you take the "forgotten password" option. However this is clutching at straws and I will quite understand if you do not feel like taking it up.
Hopefully smithy will come up with a better idea when the sun comes up in Australia. ;-)
Hi eadams76
Have you tried to uninstall Norton Mobile Security (NMS) from your device and then
download again and install.?
Then test to see if you can Sign In to the NMS websites Control Panel.?
Otherwise there is something else you could try being to perhaps go to the Norton
Management website and delete or remove NMS from the devices that you do not
want it installed on.
The Norton Management website can be found from the link below -
Sign In to Norton Management and then select My Devices at the top to manage
your devices, then select the device of choice and use the trash can icon next to
it to delete or remove NMS from that particular device.
Maybe removing NMS from all of your mobile devices to start off fresh might help.?
Now you could try to login to the NMS website and Control Panel again for the NMS
app using the link below -
Hopefully you can now Sign In to the NMS websites Control Panel and manage your
mobile devices and delete all the devices if they show as registered and start off fresh
here as well, followed by installing NMS on your selected devices and activate and
register each device and the NMS app.
If none of the above helps it may be time to chat with Norton Support Live Chat for free
via the web.
Use the link below and follow the steps to chat with the Norton Support staff -
Explain your issues and i am sure they will be able to assist you.
Please keep us posted.
Tried the "manage.norton" link below. Keep getting an error page, "We're sorry, but we're having a problem accessing the page you are trying to view. Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, please try again later."
Yes, I have unistalled from my devices and reinstalled very early on, didn't help. I hope the chat works this time, I tried this 2 days ago and after about 45 minutes of waiting for someone to connect, I closed the chat box.
Ah well the Norton Management option was worth a try i guess.
They must be having some sort of server issue at the moment. :(
Hopefully this time Norton Support chat might not take as long
and one of the staff will be able to fix this issue you have.
Sometimes it does take a while to get thru if they are busy.
keep us posted on how you go.
Hi eadams76,
If you are still facing the same issue, I suggest that you try using the DNS settings from Norton on your Network connection. You can refer to this knowledge base article for detailed steps on using the Norton ConnectSafe.
Do let us know if this fixes the issue.