Our customers are having problems using our software CityEngine in combination with Norton.
It seems that both while installing and on every startup, some program files of CityEngine are modified (or deleted). As our software relies on unmodified program files, this is a big issue that causes crashes of our application.
I did file a request to add our software to the whitelist on the official form 3 days ago, however I have not heard back anything.
Are there any recommendations on how to deal with such issues?
If .exe files are being quarantined, they can be restored and added to the ignored scan and auto-protect exclusions. The files can also be submitted to Symantec from quarantine, which will allow them to update definitions. You should forward the files, yourself to Symantec if you haven't already, so that they can see why Norton is reacting to them.
To exclude the files from scan and autoprotect, follow the steps in the support article: