Norton mysteriously closes while running backup

I'm having the exact same problem too, but I've noticed it at a strange time.  Only when my backup is running does the Norton Service fail.  I'm running Norton 360 v3 premier on a XP SP3 machine.  If I view the details of my backup, it indicates "Cancelled", but I never cancelled the backup.  I restart the Norton service so that I don't get the Unable to Open product error.  Every time I try to run the backup, Norton mysteriously closes within a few minutes.  Again, my details for the backup are cancelled and the Norton service is Stopped.  My Terminal Services Client is automatic and started, so no problem there (I did change it to automatic from manual).  I am trying to backup online.


Please help.  I would like my data backed up!!!

Message Edited by michi12 on 06-15-2009 08:57 PM
[edit: changed title to better reflect the issue.]
Message Edited by MikeLee on 07-01-2009 02:47 PM

Hi michi12,


Welcome to the community!


Are you getting "8504, 4" when you attempt to run the backup? Can you tell us more about the problem? 





Norton Forums Moderator

Symantec Corporation


When I power on my machine, I notice that Norton does not always start.  When I notice that, I try to start Norton with the desktop shortcut and I get this error.  However, if I restart the Norton service, then I can start Norton with no troubles.


The other issue is when I run a backup.  I have not run a successful back since I've upgraded to Norton 3.0 Premier.  When I run the backup, within minutes Norton "disappears", no error message, just the windows are gone.  I try to restart and get the same error.  Usually, I have to restart the service and reboot sometimes to get Norton started again.


I'm trying to backup online and have sufficient space.  I was successful in prior versions as well.  My backup set it correct, I've tried the uninstall, Norton removal, reinstall. 


Hope this helps!

Hi michi12,


It sounds like your backup issue is a different issue; and not the same as the original thread.


So as not to confuse the current thread, I will follow up with a personal message to you to get an export of your settings.

We should be able to go from there, and maybe see why your backups are not running  properly.



I have this during the backup process as well as randomly.  I will notice that my Norton Icon isn’t there or it doesn’t startup after a reboot.  Sometimes when I restart the service it will work, other times not.

Hi Michi12,

Hm, that sounds like the issue is not related to backup then, if it happens randomly as well.


Anyway, again, this is not the same problem as the one originally posted on this thread.


To keep the forum clean - and make sure that other users can find the threads that appropriately apply to them - please start a new thread, find an existing thread directly related to your issue, or respond to the private message I sent you requesting your backup configuration (which actually now sounds unrelated to your tray icon issue?).

