I have a question regarding Norton auto updater. I have set this to not update automatically since I want to now what it is that Norton wants to update.
Yesterday I saw that Chrome and Adobe had new version that Norton wanted to install.
Those apps have before the computer automatically installed and I have never had to bother about them.
The question is. Does the computer still automatically install such updates or is it waiting for me to update them trough Norton now instead?
Yesterday I clicked in Norton to install them but that seems strange that I have to do it manually since the computer have done it automatically before.
Even if auto update is OFF it stills gives a notice on the Home screen, under software updater that updates are available, opening SWU will show what it has found. You can either then update, or, there is an option under the 3 dots to ignore, which, I assume is for all future runs. I have auto updater OFF as it is not very good at it, cases of installing older versions etc. Even with Auto set to OFF, history showed it had updated Firefox & a MS Windows preview, checked settings, Auto update still OFF. Previous proper version of Norton, I think you could turn it off completely. I work on the principle that each app knows best. With a Windows update, as it has not been done through MS procedure, it is NOT reversable.