Norton on Android Smartphone

I would like to get opinions on if I should install Norton Mobile on my LG Android Smartphone. Most people tell me not to install it on my phone as I don't use it for banking or buying. I do use my phone to get on the internet. Some say it slows down your phone, whatever that means. I can get it with my Norton subscription. I see the Norton mobile is on Google Play Store, but how do I get it if I decide to install it by using my Norton plan which includes 5 devices and not paying any more.



The anti malware scan does scan everything on the device, except as I noted above about the apps installed by your cell carrier. Those would only need to be scanned after you receive an update to the phone from the cell carrier.


To peterweb: I just googled SD card and know that answer but still want to know if anti-malware scan is full scan.



To peterweb: Is anti-malware scan the full system scan? Also should I turn on Scan SD Card? What is SD?


There is only one type of scan. Full scan. Although with the latest versions of NMS, there is an option to scan the preinstalled apps that are included with the phone that are provided by the cell carrier. You can access that scan option by tapping on the three bars at the top left of the NMS app, and scroll down to App Settings. Scroll down to Preinstalled Apps in the Scans section, and turn that setting on. Go back to the main NMS screen and pull down on the screen to start a new scan. After you scan that once, you can turn the setting off again if you wish.

And yes LiveUpdate does run on its own. 


To: Peterweb

Thanks for the info. I think I knew the answer would be to install it. I just installed it and  no malware was found. Are there any other scans on the mobile as I haven't had time to fully read all? I guess not like full scan or quick scan. Will Live Updates be auto? 


You do not only need security software if you are doing banking or online shopping. Just visiting websites could possibly infect your device. Also, you can get some malware from your emails. Norton Mobile Security would help with protecting you.

As to any slow down because of installing Norton.  You can always go ahead and install it on the device and run the trial version for 30 days. If you notice too much lag, and you are not worried about the possibility of being infected, you can always remove it.