Norton Online Backup Cost

I am considering Norton Online Backup but cannot see what additioonal costs are involved when exceeding the 25 Gigabyte allowance (I see that you can extend but the cost seems to be a closely-guarded secret).


Also, if backing-up multiple PCs (up to 5 are allowed,as I understand it) , are identical files treated as a single file or as multiple files.


Finally, is the Norton Online Cloud backup totally independent of products like Symantec System Recovery Desktop Edition or are they designed to work together.


Hello Lesking,


The only additional costs in the backup are in purchasing additional space, which are available in 5, 10, 25, & 50GB increments.  The pricing is available through a current activated account.  Additionally when backing up with 5 different computers, each backup set is a different profile.  So even if all 5 computers are backing up the same picture, it is stored separately on each backup profile.  The Norton Online Backup software is a separate from Symantec System Recovery Desktop Edition.  The only software that Norton Online Backup is designed to work with at the moment is Norton 360.

Thanks Nicole


You have partially answered my question though information on pricing remains elusive.


I have an 'activated' Norton account though no products registered at present.


As I am considering the use of Norton Online backup for clients, I really would like to know the cost of additional storage before we actually purchase the software.


Can you either let me know the cost direclty or advise precisely where I can find this information.


Surely, we don't have to purchase the product before Norton will reveal the price.







NB this is for United Kingdom users

Hello Lesking,


The link for additional storage can be found here.  There is also a discount being offered currently for the software at this page.  However this is for US based customers.  Here is the page for UK software purchases.  If this has resolved all of your questions please mark this thread as solved.

Hi lesking,


The link is also available from within the product once you have registered for the trial. One thing to keep in mind is Norton Online Backup is a consumer based backup solution. You can backup up to 5 machines per account. 

Thanks Nicole and Wesley


A bit like  'piulling teeth' but at least I know the US prices now and these seem quite reasonable.


I am doing this for a client but I will set up a trial on my own PCs to get the information direclty - I have been a Ghost user for many years but Cloud bakcup seems like a useful extra protection.






PS I bloody hate those CAPTCHA things (usually takes about 3 goes to get it right)


Hi Les


I've also raised the pricing matter with our internal teams. We are actively working to help make pricing more clear as well as other efforts. Let us know if you need more info.


If you feel this is now resolved please mark the post as solved.

Hi Wesley


Not a bad idea


I downloaded the trial version of Norton Online Backup via a link offering the basic product at £19.99, went to buy it and found that they wanted £39.99.


Despite assurances on this thread, I can't find any link which tells me the price of additional capacity and suspect that this wont be revealed until I make the first purchase.







Hi Les


You can find upgrade pricing here. If you want to see the originating page go to here and look at the lower right under the Already a Norton Customer section.


Based on your currency I pulled this from the UK site which is basically the same as the US pages.

Hello again Wesley


I must say that I do like the Online Backup product but purchasing it is proving to be a bit of a nightmare.


Firstly, it becomes very clear that the same product is available at different prices.


If you run the trial and then go to the 'Buy Now' button, it will cost £39.99―a bit surprising as I originally downloaded via a link which gave the costs as £19.99.


The cost of additional storage remains a bit of a mystery as the various links you have provided show US Dollar prices which may or may not reflect UK pricesa UK support person just told me that 50GB would cost £40 which, if true, is near-enough to the USD price of $69.99 (about £46).


Returning to the £19.99 link, I purchased a subscription but elected to pay by 'instant bank transfer' rather than credit card as CC transactions invoke 'automatic renewal' which are themselves a complete pain-in-the-arse.


However, notwithstanding that the order shown online acknowledges receipt of payment last Friday, the status is shown as 'pending' because it seems that anything other than credit card payment introduces a several-day delay to the issue of a licence key.


I made several attempts, over the weekend,  to contact support via the 'chat' service but these did not appear to be manned.


This morning, I called the local Symantec support number and the 'case' has been escalated to somebody who might well be able to speed things up or at least give a definite date for the licence to be issued.


It just shouldn't be this dfificult to purchase a simple product worth £20the cost of dealing with Symantec far exceeds the cost of the product.


Perhaps you would be kind enough to pass this on to the team, mentioned earlier, who are looking at these issues.





Hi Wesley


There is good news and bad news.


Firstly, the UK support people have 'come good' and generated my product key by issuing a new order.


The bad news is that the cost of additional storage, revealed for the first time, is £89.99 for 50GB - more than double that quoted by a  support person a few minutes ago


In my opinion, this is outrageous




Hello Les,


What price were you quoted and are you certain that it was a UK representative? There was a promo going on within the US region for a brief while. If you do want to buy more space and can send me the info I'd be happy to assist you in getting it for the price offered.

Hi Wesley


The price in US dollars was from one of the links you sent to me.


The UK price was given to me when speaking on the telephone to a Symantec/Norton UK support representative while sorting out the other problem of the payment for the basic service being stuck in a 'pending' status.


That issue has now been solved so i was presumably speaking to a bona fide Symantec person whose contact number (below) was accessed via the Symatec 'help' links.     


The big issue here is that, as far as I can see, there is no obvious way to determine the UK price for additional storage, in writing, without first buying the basic service.






