Norton Online Family Disables



I have a computer running Windows Vista and I have Norton Online Family installed.  Each of my children has their own user account to access the computer and the internet.


I keep receiving e-mail alerts to say that Safety Minder has been disabled and from the timings it would appear to happen every time they login for the first time.  I have checked the settings and all seem to be okay and I know the kids are not disabling it themselves.  Can you help please?






Please give the children users’ account  non-administrator rights(restricted or limited) and also  keep the password for your Norton Online Family away from them.   Otherwise, a monitored child is able to tamper the system.


In addition, please make sure you have the extensions and Norton Safety Minder Add-ons (Browser/Tools/Add-ons) enabled on the browser the kid uses.


Do you have the latest Norton Safety Minder installed on the PC?  The latest version is





Hi Katie


My children have non administrator rights on their accounts and they do not know my passwords.  I would point out that this problem occurs when I logon using their accounts, which shows it is nothing that they are doing.


I am uncertain about the extensions and add-ons being enabled.  Using their browsers, I have gone to 'tools', 'manage add-ons', 'toolbars and extensions'.  When I highlight Norton Safety Minder, it indicates enabled in the status column.  Is this what you are suggesting that I check?


Regarding the version I am using, I have checked properties on a number of the files in the Safety Minder engine folder and version is mentioned.  However other versions are mentioned on other files.  How do I accurately determine the version I have installed?







You can find Norton Safety Minder version by clicking on the Norton Safety Minder icon, a dog paw in the system tray and selecting About Norton Safety Minder.


What entry do you have for Target, the same as below?




I am having the same problem with Norton Safety Minder disabling when my daughter is on her account.  I'm running Windows 7, Norton Safety Minder Add-ons are enabled, she doesn't know my password (I changed it to test) and her account is not an Administrator account.  All she's doing is Xing out the little popup window that says this account is being monitored.  Then I get the message saying that Norton Safety Minder has been disabled.  We are running the current version - I checked that also.  thanks for any help!

Hi cherivo,



We've not been able to reproduce it.  Do you get the Norton Safety Minder has been disabled message if your daughter doesn't click on the X when the pop window comes up?







Safety Minder icon only appears for a brief moment on logging in and then disappears from system tray.  Can I check version by another method?





You sure can.  You can tell the version number by reading the folder name at C:\Program Files\Norton Online\AddOns\Norton Safety Minder\Engine.



But the question is why the icon disappears so quickly?  Maybe it has something to do with the issue you are experiencing.  Can you please uninstall/reinstall Norton Safety Minder to see if it helps?






Hi KatieQ


Uninstall/reinstall seems to have worked and I am no longer getting e-mails telling me that Safety Minder has been disabled.


Thanks for your help.

