I downloaded and installed Norton Online Family on our son's new pc running windows 7 on January 28, 2010 and immediately had problems.
-Installed and rebooted
-immediately began having problems with internet
-wireless router began rebooting over and over until I shut all wireless connection down and restarted.
-after router was stable brought another 2 pc up with no problem
-booted up computer that just had Norton Online family installed and was not able to go online
-computer appears to be connected to router
-internet explorer will now just hang search
-mslive also will not connect
-Norton FamilyOnline startup screen will on show initializing but never complete and open
-attempted to uninstall and same initializing window shows with no progress
-tried to reinstall only to have initializing window hang and show no progress
-pretty much rendered pc useless for time being
Please help!