Norton Online Family - internet and removal problems

I downloaded and installed Norton Online Family on our son's new pc running windows 7 on January 28, 2010 and immediately had problems.

-Installed and rebooted

-immediately began having problems with internet

-wireless router began rebooting over and over until I shut all wireless connection down and restarted.

-after router was stable brought another 2 pc up with no problem

-booted up computer that just had Norton Online family installed and was not able to go online

-computer appears to be connected to router

-internet explorer will now just hang search

-mslive also will not connect

-Norton FamilyOnline startup screen will on show initializing but never complete and open

-attempted to uninstall and same initializing window shows with no progress

-tried to reinstall only to have initializing window hang and show no progress

-pretty much rendered pc useless for time being


Please help!



Hi fitness77,


Could you tell us what security product you have on the PC with Norton Safety Minder installed?




Its Norton 360.



I would be more than happy to setup a remote desktop access and work together with you on this.  You're welcome to send me a private message or an email for details.  You can find my email address at






This may be difficult since the computer is not allowing a wired or wireless internet connection.  However, I will contact you by email to see if there is a way that I am missing.





Thanks for replying back.  I've sent you an email with a few steps attempting to solve the issue.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


