i have read all the faq's well at least i think i have.
Since the latest update for norton onine family, the online family is not working. I upgraded them on the computers that are attached to my account. it will not display any activity on any computers, or on my mobile app. very inconvenient, i even called Norton, because the site was down for 5 days and it was blocking one of my kids games! i had to uninstall it. but once site was back up i reinstalled. It's irratating that i cannot track what the kids are going on. On the phone app or on norton program.
Also when i try to login from the norton program, it keeps saying internal error, then it accepts it, then internal error.! give me a break, im about to uninstall, seeming to be usless. unlesss... somone can help :-D
Does it have to have the exact name of the account being used? All of my children's laptops have been replaced, and I didn't realize I could remove them when I set this up. I had to add a letter to end of each laptop's name to set it up, but I set it up on those specific laptops. Everything is downloaded onto the laptops.
When I go to the icon on the right-hand side of my tool bar, it says that my children's computers are not being monitored. I clicked the drop-down menu, and where it says "Disable ...", it is shaded, so I couldn't even try shutting it off and turning it back on. All of my settings are correct, and I have the green button set on each account, so it should be working. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I know it's not the actualy log-in name, because my daughter's is the same as her log-in name, and it's not working on hers. I had this installed on the other school computers, which had to be replaced, and I never had a problem. Please can someone help me?
Windows account name and profile name online don't need to be the same. You just need to associate the Windows account name with the appropriate child's profile name online.
If you see it says "Disabled"..and it is shaded, you might not have the Windows account (the one you log onto the PC with) and profile online associated correctly.
To monitor and manage Internet activity, you need to create individual user accounts for each child on every computer that is used by the child. This also helps you to define the Internet House Rules for each child based on the child’s age and maturity.
Note: When you create a user account for your child, ensure that the user account that does not have administrator privileges.
To create a new user account on Windows
On the Start menu, click Control Panel.
In the Windows Control Panel, click User Accounts.
Do one of the following:
On Windows XP, in the Pick a task list box, click Create a new account.
On Windows Vista, click Add or remove user accounts, and click Create a new account.
Do one of the following:
On Windows XP, type a name for the account, and then click Next.
On Windows Vista, type a name for the account.
Select the account type, and click Create Account.
To create a new user account on a Mac
Click System Preferences and then click Accounts.
If some settings are dimmed, click the lock icon and type an administrator name and password.
Under Login Options, click Add (+) and type a user name.
Click the New Account list and choose an account type. You can choose Standard account type so that the child cannot make changes to the locked system preferences.
Type a name for the new user account. If you do not want to use the automatically generated short name, type a new short name.
Type a password for the new user.
Type the password again to verify.
Type a hint to help remember the password.
Click Create Account.
There are no instructions for Windows 7. I called my children's school's help desk, because whenever I make changes to their school computers, I have to have them do it, because I can't just install anything on the school computers; it has to be approved. The help desk technician could not help me, because it didn't have the instructions for Windows 7.
Have you ever installed the program on the home PC? If so, does it work? The reason I am asking this is to make sure if you have installed the program correctly. If you have, then it's possible that the school network system doesn't work for the program.
My husband figured it out. The tech support person I spoke with at the school set up the computers as the admin, and my husband went back in and set it up under their log-in names. This worked, and Norton Online Family is now working.
Thank you for your assistance. It is really appreciated.
I Have the same problem. No activity being logged. On win7 and updated to the latest version of the free Norton family.
Its been nearly a month now of problem. Get your bloody act together Symantec. Meant to be one of the top computer software companies..... One Unhappy Parent :(
Still not able to log into Norton Online Family directly - error message continues to appear stating "internal error". Still not able to see any activity on my daughters account in additional to all the other known errors. I am part of Norton Online Family Premier - are they going to extend the subscription for the time there is not a working program?
Yes...Once the LEADER in system software, Symantec's product offerings over the past several years has grown more and more disappointing as well as their support of new technologies. After not getting resolution from this topic http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Online-Family/Multiple-Safety-Minder-icons-in-system-tray/td-p/557426 for over two years, I decided to dump ALL of my Symantec/Norton products. I have switched to AVG for antivirus (which does at least as good a job if not better...and its FREE) and have replaced the single-point filtering products for a Linux-based filter that works better for ALL of my devices.
Sorry Symantec...you did what every other great technology does eventually...grow complacent and stop being GOOD at what you do.
please private message me your norton account email address you use for norton family. we will need to look into your account and figure out what's happening. i'm very sorry that you're experiencing this!
I Too have started to move away from Symantec. I have now installed Avast like AVG its free. And have had no problems with them. All I want is my kids to stay safe online. I do think that they are trying to make us move the premier product that is not free.....
NCDiveBum, wweny and any others experiencing similar issues
Thanks for letting us know.
Please reply to this forum post to let us know:
what version of Norton Family is installed
what OS is running on your child's PC, Mac or Android device
And if you can private message me with a link to this forum post and your email address used to log into Norton Family, it will help us tremendously in troubleshooting
i have read all the faq's well at least i think i have.
Since the latest update for norton onine family, the online family is not working. I upgraded them on the computers that are attached to my account. it will not display any activity on any computers, or on my mobile app. very inconvenient, i even called Norton, because the site was down for 5 days and it was blocking one of my kids games! i had to uninstall it. but once site was back up i reinstalled. It's irratating that i cannot track what the kids are going on. On the phone app or on norton program.
Also when i try to login from the norton program, it keeps saying internal error, then it accepts it, then internal error.! give me a break, im about to uninstall, seeming to be usless. unlesss... somone can help :-D
I doubt that they are trying to make you move to the premier (paid subscription) version. For those of us that have that we have absolutely no access or support. Maybe I should have gone with McAfee (NOT), at least I would have status updates on CNN.
So far I have had three support calls with technical support that has remoted into my pc and came to the conclusion that there is a problem on their end that is in work and should be resolved soon. That's the story that I have gotten for the past 3 months. I am going to patiently wait for a few more days and then demand cancellation of service and a full refund. This is a simple problem; either the service works or is does not work.
I am a user of Norton family for years. This software is not working for me since the beginning of November this year. I stopped receiving email notifications of websites not allowed the child. At first norton family forced me to update the product version. I did. After that I could not enter the product to set up equipment and / or new children. The software gives server error. You can also say that the software is not available. What is serious is that I bought the license because I thought it would premier Symantec forced us to service remote. Get Norton bill might license a product that is not working? .