Norton Online Stopped Working

Norton Online works on one computer but stopped recording activity on another - no changes were made (to my knowledge).  The program says it's running when the system boots and all triggers are on to track usage.  

Also, why don't I see IM and social network activity?  Will it work on Google Chrome?

After 9 days of not recording any web activity, it started recording.  However, social networking and IM does not record.  Will this work on Google Chrome?

Hi SeoulGirl,


Norton Online Family supports following Instant Messengers to monitor Instant Messaging activity for your child:

• Yahoo Messenger

• MSN Messenger

• Windows Live Messenger (The program doesn't support the 2011 Windows Live Messenger client  currently)

• AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) - (Note: AIM 7.0 is currently not supported.)

• Google Talk


Note: Norton Online Family does not support Web browser based clients of Instant Messengers listed above. Currently, Norton Online Family supports Instant Messengers only on Windows. Instant Messengers on Mac are not supported.


Norton Online Family supports browser IE and Firefox.  Google Chrome is supported but cannot track social networking.


For Social Networking, have you ever seen any records at all?





Are there plans to add Google Chrome and Facebook to the browsers and IM supported?  I'm really surprised Facebook is not supported. 



Thanks for the inquiry.  These features are on our product enhancement list for future development.



