Norton Outlook Plugin crashes other Outlook Plugin

Case Number: ########  &  #########

The first agent told me to remove all plugins except Norton. The second agent told me to turn Norton off. Hopefully someone from Norton will see this and take ownership of the issue.

I am using the Outlook Automate plugin by Pergenex.

Automate runs fine. When I install Norton Outlook Plugin, Norton functions correctly, by Automate crashes. When I uninstall Norton Outlook plugin, Automate functions correctly. Pergenex support investigated and confirmed that the crash is caused by the Norton Outlook plugin.

I am open to suggestions.

Crash report from Automate follows:

Detailed technical information follows:
(Inner Exception)
Date and Time:         3/27/2019 6:23:25 AM

Application Domain:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Pergenex Software\Auto-Mate Pro 8.0\
Assembly Codebase:     file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Pergenex Software/Auto-Mate Pro 8.0/Auto-Mate.DLL
Assembly Full Name:    Auto-Mate, Version=8.0.5693.18743, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=63e207c1ad3382ca
Assembly Version:      8.0.5693.18743

Exception Source:      Auto-Mate
Exception Type:        System.NullReferenceException
Exception Message:     Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Exception Target Site: RunAllRules

---- Stack Trace ----
   AutoMate.AddinModule.RunAllRules(manualrun As Boolean)
       Auto-Mate.DLL: N 0036 (0x24) IL
   AutoMate.AddinModule.rbbRunAll_OnClick(sender As Object, control As IRibbonControl, pressed As Boolean)
       Auto-Mate.DLL: N 0000 (0x0) IL
   AddinExpress.MSO.ADXRibbonButton.DoInternalAction(e As ADXRibbonOnActionEventArgs)
       Auto-Mate.DLL: N 0035 (0x23) IL


(Outer Exception)
Date and Time:         3/27/2019 6:23:25 AM
Machine Name:          AVA-MAIN
IP Address:            fe80::7535:49d9:7fa0:e2bf%16
Current User:          AVA-Main\John

Application Domain:    C:\Program Files (x86)\Pergenex Software\Auto-Mate Pro 8.0\
Assembly Codebase:     file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Pergenex Software/Auto-Mate Pro 8.0/AddinExpress.MSO.2005.DLL
Assembly Full Name:    AddinExpress.MSO.2005, Version=7.7.4087.2005, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4416dd98f0861965
Assembly Version:      7.7.4087.2005

Exception Source:      
Exception Type:        AddinExpress.MSO.ADXExternalException
Exception Message:     An error has occurred in the code of the add-in.
Exception Target Site: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

---- Stack Trace ----




First of all, I will admit I know nothing about Pergenex auto-mate/ Professional v8.0 - other than what I read and there appears to be a V9 available.  This, along with the older version of Norton Security Suite as @SoulAsylum pointed out may be partial cause for your situation.  

I also am not a Outlook 365 user, so I draw a blank again in that area, although I have seen many threads in regard to Norton causes this or that program to crash.  I have used Norton for many years and am also active of the Comcast forums (as a Security Expert as USAF_E-8_RET).

I'd like to point out the following link:

Norton AntiSpam compatibility with Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail application
specifically Norton AntiSpam supported protocols and ports

As you can see, the ability of the Spam Filter to operate depends on the format of the email, as well as the port used.  This probably does not have anything to do with the crashing of Auto-Mate, but perhaps if you were to turn-off  Norton Anti-Spam, and leave the Norton Outlook Plug-n installed - it could eliminate the crash of Auto-Mate.

Not knocking the assistance you got from either Pergenex nor Norton, but you have to remember one does not, more than likely, know a lot about the other product.  If I call you and tell you that your product is causing mine to crash, my script that I work from as a Customer Service Rep probably tells me to instruct you to turn off the other product.  

The link below will provide info on how to obtain Norton Security Online which is the latest free offering from Comcast.

Any questions in regards to upgrading Comcast's offering can be handled on the Comcast Forums Security Board.






Interesting. I was not aware that there was a new product available. Since the existing product continues to update, I never gave it a thought. I will look into it.


P.S. Too bad the Norton employees did not mention this to me. no

From this article it appears that X-finity offers Norton Security Online and you have version Norton Security Suite which is old. Have you attempted to run live update manually and get to the latest version?


MS Outlook for Office 365  Version 1902 ( Build 11328.20158)

Norton Security Suite for Comcast  Version

Auto-Mate Professional v8.0

I have multiple email accounts: 2-Office 365  2-Gmail   7-IMAP

Hello and thanks for the information. What you omitted is the version of Outlook you are using, the version of your Norton product and product name. And account type being used under Outlook as well as its setup. IE, POP, IMAP, etc. Are you using this in a small business or enterprise environment where an Exchange Server is involved?
