Norton Power Eraser beta, NPE

The Norton team has just released the new Norton Power Eraser beta,  NPE

I hope many of you have a chance to try it and let us know what you think.
We look forward to reading your feedback and great ideas.
Key changes in this release:


  • Norton Live Banner

At the bottom of the Main UI  there is a banner with a link to a Norton Live page that reads-

“Need help with a virus or spyware? A live expert can remotely remove it for you. Learn more about this paid service”


  • Rootkit Scan enabled by default

The Rootkit scan will run by default. There is an option in settings to disable this.


  • Improved usability scan results screen

‘Unknown’ files now have an info dialog pop-up to provide more information about the detection.

In order to remove an ‘Unknown’ file users will first need to click the ‘enable action on the file’ button found on the info pop-up dialog .

The Cloud Scan flow has been changed to a cloud shaped button.



You can download the Norton Power Eraser Beta here: