Norton Power Eraser does not run

Help please?

My NIS scan gets stuck every time on "Checking for:SecurityRisk.URLRedir".

So I stopped the scan and clicked the link for more help.

I followed the advice to download Norton Power Eraser, and to run it.

Windows asked "Do you want to allow ...etc" and I clicked yes, but nothing seemed to happen.

Task Manager showed no new applications so I tried again - 4 times.


Then I noticed that Task Manager showed 5 copies of a NPE process running.


Should I leave them to sort things out or end them and start all over again?



I've now ended all those extra processes.

I re-started just one, and again nothing happens.

NPE does not even show me the license agreement.

Task Manager shows the process using 0 cpu and 64K memory.



I no longer have a problem with Norton Power Eraser.


Instead of trying to fix NPE, I went back to the original problem of Quick Scan hanging.


This time I ran a Full Scan - instead of Quick Scan - and it worked perfectly.

Norton now tells me my system is clean, so I don't need to run NPE after all.


I'm sorry if I've wasted anybody's time with this.

But perhaps my experience will be helpful to somebody else.

Thanks for closing the loop here. It's very nice of you.

