Norton Power Eraser Uninstalled Everything

This trash app that isn't even installed on my PC, Norton Power Eraser which was suggested deleted all my files in my downloads folder "D" drive and does not even show up as an App after restarting to return to a restore point. Thanks a lot. Everything important, now gone. Program files and everything says "Folder is empty", other than that what a load of crap, no improvements only problems.

Hi Gibblefish,

If you can, please share with me (through private message) the logs from NPE.

You should be able tofind them here:





Thank you for that extra detail. I will see if we can reproduce this sort of issue.


Eraser decided to knock out a good portion of my steam library. GTA5/GW2..... I dont have the fastest internet and the restore function didnt work to restore these games. I havent look to far into what else its probably permanently deleted. At this point a full reinstall probably would have been a better option. Not impressed at all - to be clear it seem to think a ton of programs on my secondary hard drive needed to be removed for what reason im not sure.

Hi John,

Sounds like you ran NPE instead of saving and then running it. Not a problem.

Download NPE and re-run NPE and choose to "Undo Previous Fix".

There should be an option to undo.


The reason it removed files was that something malicious in that directory was found.

It will clean out the entire directory in those cases.

Again, NPE is VERY aggressive and you need to review the scan results BEFORE clicking fix.

I hope that helps.
