First off, I'm a bit of a novice in these matters so please bear with me. Essentially the reason i'm posting is because over the last few days there has been a dramatic decline in the quality of my PC's performance and, of course, this has gone hand in hand with a huge increase in performance warnings from Norton. Not being tremendously knowledgeable on this subject, all i have done thus far is run full system scans and though there were 2 risks resolved at the first time of asking (this would have been 2 days ago), my PC's performance has not improved. This morning i tried to use the Norton Power Eraser, though there seems to have been an issue with this as i was given an error code (0X80045001) and advised of the need to restart. This seems to be an unresolvable error for the eraser as it seems to advise of this error and request a restart every time i attempt to use it. Long story short, i don't really know what to do. Help.
Thanks i advance for any help offered.