Norton Private Browser - broken website (Better Gym UK)

Issue abstract:

Web page for Better Gym UK is broken when using Norton Private Browser.

Detailed description:

The follwing website display is broken when using Norton Private Browser:

Works perfectly fine on MS Edge or Google Chrome.

Product & version number:

Norton Private Browser
Version 131.0.27894.265 (Official Build) (64-bit)

OS details:

Windows 11 Home
Version 24H2
OS build 26100.2894
Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.36.0

What is the error message you are seeing?

No error message.

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

Your link displays correctly for me in Norton Private Browser. Try clearing your browser cache and restart the browser and test.

Clearing the cache didn’t work on my user profile, so I have create a new temporary user on my laptop, brand new user profile, and indeed it has solved the issue.
But resetting the browser and clearing the cache on my standard (every day) user profile doesn’t work!
So, I have uninstalled the Norton Private Browser, but to realise that all the data in LocalAppData is blocked apparently by the antivirus driver?
I have tried advanced techniquest to get rid of the remaining files belonging to NPB, so I could perform a clean install, but the files are strongly protected it seems.
And I am not going to reset my entire user profile just for NPB.
… I am back on MS Edge now, and I will see if I can clean the files, I probably need to contact the support team? I don’t know.

Hello @Selina
Did you try temporarily disabling Norton → Product Tamper Protection? see pic here

IIRC Norton Private Browser remnants were baked-in Norton 360 UI.
Maybe, try reinstalling Norton Private Browser?
Was ‘Also delete your browsing data’ enabled?

I forget if I needed to reinstall Norton 360 or I had to reinstall Norton Private Browser. Just that clearing Norton → File Explorer remnants after I had Norton Private Browser onboard was harder than clearing Norton → File Explorer remnants wo Norton Private Browser onboard.
I forget whether I tried temporarily disabling Norton → Product Tamper Protection…before uninstalling Norton Private Browser. I’ll need to test.

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fwiw ~ as test:
Norton 360 and Norton Browser on-board.
Norton Browser Application and User Data installed (current user) default location \AppData\Local
Norton Browser not default browser
Norton Browser not set to launch automatically when computer starts
Norton 360 Product Tamper Protection default enabled
fwiw ~ as test:
call NortonBrowserUninstall from \AppData\Local

my as test: this time went easier than I remember last time. I must have had other Norton v24 glitches at the time.
maybe, Norton Browser installer/uninstaller improvements from last time/last year?

Thank you, all sorted now.
I didn’t realise that NPB was an AppData app, and that the uninstaller should be run per profile and not system wide. All files have been cleared.
The broken website is now working fine with a fresh install.
Thank you!

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