Norton products

Sorry if this is 'negative', yes I shouldn't waste the space, (you don't have to read)... but most every user I come across that has Norton, has a Norton Glitch... (new accessory) ...and I get a call from those people I help, friends or whoever. So I just wanted to say to SymNor...  you know how Microsoft kind of 'sat back', between XP and Vista, I think it was, and decided to make a bigger commitment to security rather than having a rifely (yes, rifely) 'open' system?  And how they seem to have made a mass effort to make Windows 7 'just work' (better)... like some gripely wish Vista had from the beginning?  'specially 3rd party driver makers, hah.  



I wish Symantec/Norton would sit back... and review their temperamental software... and make a commitment to making it more 'rock solid', with fewer glitches... and ...leaner, meaner, and less burden on systems without appearing to insert 'tendrils' throughout the operating software.


It's been like a second opsys smothering an opsys.  Hurrah for technical detection rates, etc., etc.   How about some streamlining? Some more of it 'just works'... without the latest topend hardware?


Gripe, gripe... Thank you, thank you... you may -not- return to your normal programming.


Yes, I did preface that all with an apology... but this quirky behavior where NIS 2009 just up and starts blocking Outlook after a month of running 'ok' on a new HP notebook... a day later I get a call, and then I'm searching the whole 'net for why Norton blocks Outlook (rest of 'net acces is fine)... and Google just happened to lead me to the thread, here, by CoolDude64, where blsteer (hiphip...good fellow) just happened to chime in... that he, blsteer, shutdown his Norton's Email Scanning, then sent/received his emails, and then turned Email scanning back on... and it's all 'fixed'... is just another example of the 'idiosyncratic' behavior of Norton... not to mention having to run the updater multiple times, or the cleaner multiple times, until they finally simply don't find any more things to work on, even though each time they run, they say they're finished, done, updated, cleaned... and the user doesn't know any better (to run multiple times).


4x out of 6, the user switches products with little prompting from me. These swiss-army-knife all-in-one 'suites' just don't cut it, even on new machines.  K.I.S.S.  ...and I'm not calling anyone 'Stupid'.  Keep It Simple and Stable.   Give Solid and Lean a try.... not temperamental.  Yes, life is hard... for millions of lines of code and poor users and techs.  Still... just a thought...


/end rant  (end catharsis... too much time on my...hands, yes.)


From humble Tools to penultimate Suites... the Web We Weave. sigh

Ok, fine... great product, Norton, for some.  Vista ran great for me.


Unfortunately, CoolDude64 never returned to finish that particular thread of the problem he was working on. 

Thanks, blsteer.


