Norton Protection Center does not recognize NIS 2009

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Norton Protection Center is a component of Norton System Works and it hasn't been taught yet how to recognize the existence of NIS 2009.  So it warns you that there is no protection; we are expected to ignore it until a new improved NSW comes along.


Hope this helps,

I consider this a shame as NIS2009 and NSW are sold as a bundle. I hope they will launch a patch to solve this very rapidly.

Hi RonK-Cox,


We are aware of this issue and working on a patch to resolve this problem.  I will update you as soon as the patch is available. 




Hi Sandy,


Thanks for the update.  My version of NSW is 2006 so if I need to upgrade to 2008 (which I believe is the latest) when the patch is available, please let me know.


Thanks again,


Hi Ron - I am from the SystemWorks team replying to your question.


You can upgrade to NSW 2008 if your current NSW 2006 is the Standard Edition or Premier Edition and you have valid subscription days remaining for your NSW 2006. Since you have already installed NIS09, NIS would have replaced your previous AV with NIS AV and your AV will be working fine. Now you just need to upgrade your Utilties part of the NSW 06. For that you can download the trial version of NSW08 Standard / Premier (same as your current 06 edition) and just install the NSW part. When you install NSW (by clicking 'Install Norton SystemWorks' from Setup.exe) it will upgrade your 06 NSW Utilties to 08 NSW Utilities and take the remaing subscription days.



I assume we are waiting for a fix for the Warning in NSW2008 Protection Cemter(red x) and Windows Security Center that does not see NAV2009. Seeing a red x always concerns me....

Thanks, Ken



Just to make sure I understand what you are saying.  If I install the trial version of NSW08 Premier over the NSW06 version and install only the NSW portion of the tools, will the remaining subscription days be the days remaining on the Internet Security 2009 NAV subscription or the days on the original NSW load (zero at this time)?  I am assuming that it will be the latter.  If so, will there be a discount for the already purchased Internet Security 2009?


Regards, Dan


Subscription extensions are purely by product family:


NIS2008 => NIS2009

NSW 2007 Premiere => NSW 2008 Premiere

NSW 2007 Basic => NSW 2008 Basic


That being said, I regret to tell you that to the best I have been able to determine NSW PE and NIS2009 are imcompatible.  At least, I have not been able to get both to install on the same computer.  The configuration and order of installation seems to be irrelevant (I've tried a number of different combinations).  However, NSW Basic Edition and NIS2009 will play together, IF you install NSW first.


Good luck,

Any ETA on when a fix for this may be out?  Kinda unacceptable that Symantec would "Bundle" two products that can't even recognize one another.





NIS 2009

NSW Basic

I am also waiting for fix with Protection Center and Windows Security Center.


I, too, await the patch.  I, too, am very disappointed that Norton would release 2009 without first making sure it was compatible with Systemworks.  I love Systemworks and could not do without it.  Hurry up, Symantec, and do you thing!!!!



Live update has corrected the Windows Security Center - can now recognise NAV2009.

Norton Protection Center is missing from NSW2008 ....????

Is that the fix - removed?



I just did a Live update and now Norton Protection Center disappeared from my NSW.  Even the live update option disappeared from my NSW screen.


What is going on?

Hi Kentchia,


  A patch was released last night in order to address this issue, you need to run LiveUpdate from the Norton SystemWorks interface and then restart the computer.


After restart and application of this patch (when NAV/NIS 2009 is present), the Norton Protection Center taskbar component will be removed, as well as the Norton Protection Center tab within the NSW UI.  Security status will be owned by the 2009 product and whether overall status is green or red will be determined by the 2009 product.   Please let us know if you are seeing anything different.

Vineeth - everything is as how you describe.

How will NSW get updates with no Live Update button available?  Automatic?


Message Edited by KLR on 10-03-2008 10:58 AM
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You don't need to run LiveUpdate from the Norton SystemWorks product. You just need to run it from the 2009 version. This is applicable for the Norton SystemWorks product.


As you do not have the Norton Protection Center tab any more in the Norton SystemWorks interface, all your security status will be conveyed through the 2009 interface. This includes the virus definition date or the LiveUpdate status also. That is the goal of this patch.

Vineeth wrote:

You don't need to run LiveUpdate from the Norton SystemWorks product. You just need to run it from the 2009 version. This is applicable for the Norton SystemWorks product.


As you do not have the Norton Protection Center tab any more in the Norton SystemWorks interface, all your security status will be conveyed through the 2009 interface. This includes the virus definition date or the LiveUpdate status also. That is the goal of this patch.


You will still get Norton SystemWorks' Updates via Norton 2009 Product, Norton LiveUpdate.
Message Edited by Floating_Red on 10-03-2008 07:17 PM
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Hi Ronk-Cox,


The Norton Protection Center patch is now available via LiveUpdate from the Norton System Works product.  Since you have NSW06, you should upgrade your product to 2008 before you run LiveUpdate.  Boby Alex has provided you information on how you can upgrade your product in his previous message.  Once you've upgraded to Norton System Works 08, you can now run LiveUpdate from the Norton System Works 08 UI to get the Norton Protection Center patch and then restart.


What to expected after you restart your system: 


The Norton Protection Center task bar and the Norton Protection Center UI tab on your Norton System Works 08 product will be removed.  You will now manage your overall systems health status via your NIS 2009 product.







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Hi Sandy,


I already installed both NSW 2008 and the patch.  Seems to work fine.  Do you know if NSW 2009, when released, will have Norton Protection Center once again integrated with NIS 2009?


