Norton Registry Cleaner and Microsoft Windows Update

I appealed to the Microsoft Community about the problems with their Windows Update Installer repeating the same update after it has been successfully updated (shown on the computer as being such) and wondered if the Windows Updater had a problem.   They seem to think that Registry Cleaners are the culprits:


Injudicious use of registry cleaners may be playing a (minor) role here. TIP: If you ever again think your Registry needs to be cleaned, repaired, boosted, tuned-up, cured, tweaked, fixed, maximized, "swept" or optimised (it doesn't), read and/or then draw your own conclusions.  Related =>


Then they asked me if I had backups of all the registry changes, the registry cleaners have ever made to my computer.  I was not aware that before I press the registry cleaner button my Norton 360 that there should be a backup.   I did not know to that, so therefore there was no backup.    I do not know what to think of their statements.  


Norton 360, I do trust and has helped my computer to stay safe irrregardless of what Microsoft thinks.  For all I know, that update was corrrupted and Microsoft does not want to admit that their software "has faults".


So, now, I don't know what to do.  Hope someone can enlighten me or something.


Thanks, GR63







Do you have backups of ALL the changes registry cleaners have EVER made to your computer

Hi Gr63

There have been reports of problems with the Norton registry cleaner I don’t know if this is the case with your post.  I use a registry cleaner now and again that is available on C cleaner but first I do a back up of the registry with mzback.  The cleaner button does not need a registry backup and is useful to clean up files and speed up the computer. Check the links below, both software are free.


Seventh one down.


On the left hand pane of the c cleaner user interface there are check boxes that can be unchecked so that the files in these locations will not be deleted.






Hi Gr63,


I have never and will never use the registry cleaner in N 360.  I will not let a program remove something without asking me first.  I am not a fan of Registry cleaners as I have seen them cause more harm than good.  If I have no other choice than to run a registry cleaner at some point in my troubleshooting - I will do so - but I will control what is deleted.


IMHO - I will never run a registry cleaner on a regular basis as N 360 does if you do not disable it.


<edit>  Let me add, I will not even open my Registry without running ERUNT previously.