Hello! Norton...
I just download your Norton Rescue Tool in order to remove the virus called a Generic Win 23 from my computer...It seem to have removed this virus, but I don't think completely, because it keep trying to attack my computer...
[When I sign-Off everything is okay once I use your Norton Rescue Tools, but when I sign-back online the Generic Win 23 virus returns.
[Microsoft and Norton both reported that my computer is free Of virus, but yet this virus keep attaching itself to my computer...Can someone please help me remove this "pesky" virus completely...I will wait for a response.
[Note: This virus seemed to have appeared when I followed a "friend" on Facebook. ]
Fix even the most severely infected computers with Norton Rescue Tool...[This Seems To Be The Problem That I'm Experiencing With My Computer.]
Sometimes computers become infected with difficult to remove "scareware" programs or they get so infected by threats that are deeply buried in the computer's operating system that special tools are required to remove them. That’s where Norton Rescue Tools can help. The Norton Bootable Recovery Tool and Norton Power Eraser are designed to target and eliminate these hard to remove threats and unique types of crimeware that according to the FBI are costing unsuspecting consumers more than $150 million per year1. Read more below to see which Rescue Tool provides the best solution to restore your computer's health.