I recently submitted a suspicious file to the Norton virus sample submission tooland got an auto-response with a case #36000508. The auto-responder indicated that “once a complete determination has been made regarding your submission(s) you will be notified via a second, closing e-mail.” It also says that if I have any questions about status, “please contact our regional technical support from the Symantec Web site, and give them the tracking number included in this message.”
I called technical support twice, however, and both times they told me they do not have access to check the status of retail submissions. They suggested that I wait a few days for the closing e-mail. But then I looked through my past e-mails and noticed that back in 2010, if I submitted suspicious files then I would indeed get the initial auto-response followed by a “closing” e-mail within a very short time (less than a day), but for my more recent submissions, I never got a second response.
I suggest that you please give your technical support representatives access to the submission tracking system. But to prevent a need to call Technical Support, can you please resume the earlier practice of sending a second (semi-automated) response to retail submissions?
If that is not possible, then please look up the case #36000508 and at least tell me whether the suspicious file was Windows malware or a Mac malware. Thank you.