I'm requesting Manual Site Owner Verification for www.tdylodging.com
The html file has been uploaded to the requested page on this domain for verification, but site is not being verified by Norton. Please verify this manually.
I'm requesting Manual Site Owner Verification for www.tdylodging.com
The html file has been uploaded to the requested page on this domain for verification, but site is not being verified by Norton. Please verify this manually.
Hello mf78 and welcome!
Although I cannot see your HTML file (no link provided), the Safe Web meta tag appears to be properly formatted and placed on your home page.
I will notify the Safe Web team of your issue. Please allow them a day or two to respond back to you in this thread.
In the mean time, could you double check that the URL you submitted to Safe Web exactly matches your website address, letter for letter?
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Hi mf78
Your site ownership has been manually verified and your site 'tdylodging.com' has been submitted for analysis. Note that the initial evaluation process may take up to two weeks to complete.