Norton Safe Web - Rate my site it's been 4 months

I would certainly appreciate it if someone from Norton would respond to my inquiry. I send two emails to "site owner help" but I get total silence.

I submitted my website on August 7, 2010. My website still shows that it's untested. It has been much longer than the two weeks mentioned in Norton Safe Web. The site ownership has already been verified over four months ago. At that time I also clicked "Rate my site" . Can someone please let me know why it still shows that the site is untested with the gray icon?

I think it is unfair that you show these icons next to the website title but yet you do not review it. It gives our website a disadvantage in that it makes the users hesitant to click unless it shows a green check mark.

Thanks for your help.



I have PMed a Norton employee and hopefully they would reply here soon!

Hello Techno,


I'm sorry to hear of the delay in getting your website rated.


I will notify the Safe Web team of your issue. Please allow them a day or two to respond back to you in this thread.


In the mean time, could you double check that the URL you submitted to Safe Web exactly matches your website address, letter for letter?


To be notified by email when a reply is posted, go to My Settings > Preferences and check the box for: "Automatically Subscribe Me to Topics I Participate In".

Phil_D wrote:

Hello Techno,


I'm sorry to hear of your delay in getting your website rated.


I will notify the Safe Web team of your issue. Please allow them a day or two to respond back to you in this thread.


In the mean time, could you double check that the URL you submitted to Safe Web exactly matches your website address, letter for letter?


To be notified by email when a reply is posted, go to My Settings > Preferences and check the box for: "Automatically Subscribe Me to Topics I Participate In".

@phil I have also PMed a Norton employee dealing with NSW :D (Console op)



Thanks for offering help on this.



Thanks for your response. I attached an image of my Norton Safe Web. The website is

I hope they can resolve this for me.axiomcpl.jpg

Hello Techno


It will take some time until we can see your screen shot. The Mods have to approve it first. Thanks



Np. Any help is certainly appreciated.


Your site '' has been submitted for analysis. Note that the initial evaluation process may take up to two weeks to complete.




Thank you and all others who helped me resolve this issue. It looks like the website just got reviewed and rated with a green check mark.  I certainly appreciate everyone's help.

Hello Techno


Thanks for coming back and giving us an update. Good luck also with your new site. If you have any more problems. you know where to find us. Thanks



Yes indeed. Thank you for your help. I am glad I found this forum because it quickly solved my issue. Many thanks.