Hello All.
I have looked to find a solution in other posts with no joy, before posting here.
After an unrelated issue last week, I un-installed Norton 360, recovered my PC and re-installed Norton 360.
After the re-install I was updated to Norton 4.0 - The last version I absolutely loved! Every feature worked great and safe web always worked lightening fast.
Norton safe web now displays results about 10 seconds after the Google page is loaded and there are often sites that have no icon or information displayed at all!
Does anyone know of any other 'slow running' safe web issues related to the new version please? Or, why some sites are showing as "un-tested with black icons" yet some have nothing showing?
I expected 4.0 to get even better; at the minute it certainly isn't. Is it 100% Mozilla compatible?
PC is running: windows 7, with loads of hard drive and quite a high spec chip. Using Firebox (Explorer seems better).
I have updated all drivers and undertaken maintenance tasks and clean ups.
Both FireFox and Explorer are like lightening - having to wait 10 and 20 seconds for Norton to display 'safe web' results when the page has already loaded is becoming a real pain though.
If I re-install the previous version of Norton from the disc (as that version showed the site safe results at the same time as my browser displayed the page) will I just get updated to version 4.0 again please?
Is this a known issue?
Any info appreciated.
Hello Danny, Welcome to the Forum
This is not actually a minor issue, maybe due to lack of RAM in your system because more RAM= Faster Loading times of Programs and Applications.
In the Meantime you should scan your system with N360 and MalwareBytes in Safe Mode and the Internet off to ensure theres no viruses hidden in your system
Link For MalwareBytes: http://www.malwarebytes.org/
* Edit - P.S the Gray (?) logo means that the site is untested, which means norton did not run a safe web check.
Hi Danny. One of the ways we fix people's problems here on the forum is by duplicating the problem on our computer and then finding what is wrong and what is needed to fix the problem. Unfortunately, I am not experiencing your problem and I do not know how to 'create' the problem here on my computer. Another user seems to be having a similar problem though, so you should check this thread as well to see if any solutions pop up. http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-360/Safeweb-icons-in-Google-searches-sometimes-appear-and-sometimes/td-p/229062
If I happen to think of a magical fix to your problem in the mean time, I'll make sure to post it here.
-One thought that I had is the nature of your reinstall. Even though you recovered your PC, there are probably remnants of the old N360 installation left over and they may be conflicting with the new installation. You should try uninstalling N360 from the Windows Add/Remove Programs dialog. Then you should go here and follow those instructions. If the Norton Removal Tool does not work for you, you will need to reboot your computer into Safe Mode to run it. You can boot into safe mode by hitting F8 on the keyboard right after your bios finishes loading and Windows starts to boot. (Just hitting it continuously is the easiest.) Then you should install the latest version of N360. You can download it from the links below. Just select the first if you have a key for the standard version and the second if you have a key for the premiere version.
Once you have a beautiful fresh install, run the update service until you have all the latest updates. Hopefully that will fix the problem.