Norton Safety Minder time limits discrepancy

I have Norton Safety Minder set up on Windows Vista 64, with time limits for our daughter of 5 hours on weekend days.

Today, she logged in at 10:15am and was connected and pretty active until just before 3:00pm. But NSM says she has 3:44 time remaining. Her total logged-in time was definitely more than 1:16 during this period. Is there something wrong that there is such a discrpancy between her actual on-line time and the time NSM things she was on?


(Note: I have seen NSM time out and I had to extend her time earlier this week - so it does work... but I don't know how much time she had spent logged in before that expired.)

We have the free version, so "Time" tab on the user monitoring site is not active; I can't see how much NFM thinks she was active. 

Hi DavidBiesack,


Is it possible that you could post a screen shot of the Time settings page for the child?


If you check the Web activity logs at Activity -> Web for the child, you should be able to see the timestamps when websites get visited.  Do you see the log starts around 10:15am for today and gets logged all the way to 3:00pm?


Did the child get logged out 3:15pm (5 hours) or the child was allowed on the PC for another 3hrs 44 minutes (Of course, the child might not use the PC that long even she was allowed, but the point is if she was logged out by the program at 3:15pm)?


