Norton Safeweb has flagged my site as Malware

Norton Safeweb has flagged my site as 'Malware'. I have submitted a dispute, but the category remains the same. However, don't mention what the problem is or how to resolve it. I was really frustrated about fixing this issue only Norton Safe Web restricted our website (Communication Platform) Ukrainian Social Network.

Thanks for help.

You're most welcome, glad to help. Please keep this in mind going forward. If you change anything or make additions to your site, Norton MAY flag it again because it will detect it. Just submit a dispute at the link we provided here and wait for the results. If those results are not getting done in a timely manner we are always here to help. 


SoulAsylum Thanks Very Much. Now All Fine!

@RomanK Safe Web has given your site the ok green check. Please review here: review at safe web.png


Thanks Alot, yes i submitted two times. But from second time i wait 7 days with no answer. I found my site on virustotal but my site never give download any software like SCUMWARE writes. We have strong security rating from all security services. I write them to and waited more week without answer(.

Hello. Here is the safe web full report:

Have you submitted another dispute at the webpage above? Select "Click here to submit dispute" and fill in the required form for review. Select the suggested category to be "Social Networking".

Edited: I submitted a review for you, we should have that results in 48 hours or less.