Norton Safeweb three weeks later? How long does it take?

Hello, I submitted my wife's website ( to Norton Safe Web for testing three and a half weeks ago on March 5th and it's still untested. I did a manul confirmation of ownership by uploading the identification file, which verified ok. Does anyone know how long it's supposed to take as I'm obviously keen to have it sorted and it's getting close to a month since I verified the site ownership.Thanks so much. Sean-

Hi londonderrry,


Sorry for the inconvenience!!!  I know that your website is still "untested."

I reported to the concern team... I'm reaching out to a Symantec resource to assist.  

It will take a little while, so please check back here for a response.






Hi londonderrry


Your site '' had been submitted for analysis and is currently rated green in



Many thanks for your lightning reply over the weekend! Much appreciated!!