Norton Scanner virus reporting - inflates damage report rather than presenting real situation

I recently run Norton Scanner on my computer. It found an exe in the Local Settings\temp folder that was infected with a trojan, Trojan.vundo, however, the report presented ~ 250 threats, 99% of them registry settings. I started to check each of thease threats and with a few exceptions at the beginning all the others were NON-EXISTENT registry settings!


So, Norton Scanner doesn't report what is actually present in the registry, it reports what it might have been in the registry should that exe run on my computer! Is that morally right?!  @#$%!


I fed the exe to the Kaspersky online file av checker and it reported Trojan.win32.Monder.adxk.


I deleted the exe (this is the only thing I did), I run again the Norton Scanner, I also run the Kaspersky online checker - no threat this time.


I have been deeply dissappointed by this, and I don't think I will buy a symantec program any time soon.


Here is my advise:

- keep in mind that Windows OSes (all versions) are extremely unsecure systems, however if you want to run windows then:


- use a third party firewall software - not the default windows one

- use a router with firewall

- run multiple virtual copies of windows using VMWare or virtualbox and do your banking on a different copy of the OS that you don't use it with anything else. With this you can easily create clean copies and if one gets corrupted you'd easily be able to restore a clean one.



Message Edited by bikerc on 01-05-2009 08:24 PM