Hi Everyone,
Norton Security 7.5 for Mac is now available via LiveUpdate. To download this update, simply run LiveUpdate.
To verify you have the update, launch the Main User Interface, click on Help, and select About.
Below FAQ's addresses some common questions:
1. How can I download this update?
- This patch is available via LiveUpdate.
2. What are the languages this update is available for?
- All supported languages.
3. What's new?
- Support for macOS 10.13 High Sierra
4. Changes & Bug Fixes
- Changes:
<ul> <li>New installation flow to comply with the <a href="https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2459/_index.html">Secure Kernel Extension Loading</a> (macOS High Sierra 10.13 introduces a new feature that requires user approval before loading newly-installed third-party kernel extensions [KEXTs]) <ul> <li>Install the Norton Product</li> <li>Click on <strong>Open Now </strong>in the KEXT wizard to update preferences<br /> <img src="/en/system/files/u988853/1_2.png" /></li> <li>Click on <strong>Continue</strong> to open <strong>Security & Privacy</strong> preferences <br /> <img alt="Screen Shot 2017-09-12 at 7.25.01 PM.png" src="/en/system/files/u988853/Screen%20Shot%202017-09-12%20at%207.25.01%20PM.png" /></li> <li>In the <strong>Security & Privacy</strong> window -> under <strong>General</strong> tab -> Click on the <strong>Lock</strong> icon -> When prompted enter your admin username and password to <strong>Unlock</strong></li> <li>Click on <strong>Allow</strong> corresponding to the <strong>Symantec</strong> message.<img src="/en/system/files/u988853/3_2.png" /></li> <li>Click <strong>OK </strong>to update preference<img src="/en/system/files/u988853/4.png" /></li> <li><img src="/en/system/files/u988853/5.png" /></li> <li>Once validated the preferences successfully updated screen with <strong>Restart </strong>button would appear.<br /> <img src="/en/system/files/u988853/6.png" /></li> <li>Please click on <strong>Restart</strong></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li>
- Bug Fixes:
<ul> <li><u></u>Fixed an issue where customers are seeing "Error: We are sorry. It seems like something went wrong with the installation of the product..." while installing the Norton product.</li> <li>Fixed an issue where "Error: Norton Security is unable to continue. Please restart your Mac to stay protected..." appears during scan</li> <li>Fixed an issue where "Error: Unable to run LiveUpdate" occurs during LiveUpdate</li> </ul> </li>
Note: A reboot is required
If you have any questions, feel free to let us know on the Norton for Mac forum board.