Norton Security and Windows 7 Pro (SP1)

I am currently running Windows 7 Pro with SP1 and Norton Security After 2 years my Windows installation has become corrupt for some reason or other. I'm going to clone the drive to another drive as backup in addition to the Windows backup. My question is this...I know that Norton Security defaults to the cloud vault if it can't locate any local files and the local vault itself. Can someone tell me the directory(s) I need to copy to the new install prior to my putting Norton back in?

I know that when you uninstall Norton and tell it to save those pertinent files they are stored somewhere. I absolutely refuse to store anything that contains this much identifiable information in the cloud. I have been a victim of identity theft twice in the last eight years. With that said I need to copy those directories and files prior to reinstalling Norton. Any help or assistance the forum could provide would be greatly appreciated. I'd hate to think I have to buy a different security software that doesn't force you to create a cloud vault after 25 years.

Thank you in advance.
