Norton Security is broken

I have just noticed that I can no longer do a scan (scanning a folder or file from windows explorer still works).
NS tells me that the database is up to date (current) but does not show how old the update is. (It used to tell me the date of the virus table.)
NS has done no scans for over 3 days now.
I do not get any response clicking on “History”.
Clicking on “Settings” no longer works either.

NS has just disabled one of my own programs again and I am unable to reverse the process because of the above problems.
Is this all because the 22.5 update? (current version is running on Windows 7)
Will it rectify itself during a later update or do I have to reinstall NS again.
If I have to reinstall, will Norton recognise that it is just reinstall or will I lose one of my 5 licence lives?

Regards, Nick