It downloads the 381mb file then when it "verifies" those files it gives this message. "An error occurred with the downloaded files. Please click retry to restart the download".
I had already used nss for several months and was reinstalling, as directed, due to error in liveupdate. I ran norton cleaner and restarted several times. No other antivirus program installed.
I had a similar problem this year with turbotax due to them not being compatible with my Win xp (which they fixed). I suspect this issue also related to xp.
This NSS FAQ provides comeplete instuctions for the removal, cleanup and reinstall of Norton Security Suite. Please follow the instructions and let us know how things go. There are a few other cleanups we can suggest, but I like to see the attempt made by following the instructions in the FAQ.
<edit> Since all was good for the past 6 months, have you noticed anything strange with the behavior of NSS
- prior to the LiveUpdate error advising a reinstall? Also have you recently installed any new programs?
Yes, i followed the faq (many times). The only nss problem was i had to reboot every time i wanted to recieve new email in Outlook. Otherwise it would time out and give me an error.
No new programs. The newest is at least a month old-Cameramouse.
I will do that. But 1st i want to show you the last lines of the install log where the error occurred. i'm hoping you guys can make sense out of it. i found this by searching my pc for "norton". From "NortonInstall-2014-05-16-10h10m36s"
EDIT: Hm, it looks like 1st error is for IE which is not installed and 2nd error is Firefox which is. Do i need IE to install nss?
Hi Jim I am not saure what is going on with IE or FF, but both errors refer to running the Norton Remove and Reinstall Tool - which is where the link in the log takes you for both IE and FF. I'd suggest running the NRnRT fround here:
If you are not successful, let us know if you still have NSS installed and also if there is an error message. You might try this prior to what I suggested before.
When i reran norton removal in your link, it said no norton products were found. So i reran the other removal tool which again didn't help. I'm shopping for a new computer, but i need to keep this xp pc running for legacy use. Very bad timing for norton not working. i took my tax info off the hd and backed everthing up, and won't log into any financial sites or buy anything online. Any further tips appreciated.
I know it inncludes some of what youhave already tried - but the deletion of the addtional files may clear up the corruption that is stopping the download/install of NSS.
Glad you got everything backed up - that is a positive step.
When i got to Non plug and play drivers, AntiLog32 has a yellow exclamation point over it. When i double click it, i see"This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed. (Code 24)". device instance id (whatever that is) = ROOT\LEGACY_ANTILOG32\0000 I have the option to disable it. Should i?
Do you by chance have Constant Guared Protection Suite installed? I believe that entry belongs to CGPS's keylogger.
Although that may be causing a probelm, I would suggest you contiue with the instuctions I posted as CGPS has no interaction with Norton. I think we shojld continue with the Norton situation and perhaps come back to the yellow exclamation point once we finish the Norton Cleanup/reinstall.
If I rememeber some olde posts on the Comcast Forum mentioned that - I'll look for them and post them if I can find them.
<edit> Here is a post regarding the AntilLog32 - see also the link in the 2nd post in the thread:
ok under Control Panel uninstall, no norton or symantec products found. On the list of non p&p drivers, there are no nav, norton, or sym files. There was a program file folder called norton uninstall (deleted). I searched the hd for norton and only got the multiple install downloads and log files (deleted). Searched hd for symantec and sym. No symantec and sym results related to "symbol" not symantec. Restart. Same error.
Disabled AntiLog32. Tried using IE not FF. logged into comcast, d/l nss files. Same error.
Yes i initially had CG and nss but it slowed my pc so i wiped both and went nss only. Worked fine for many months.
Only thing i didn't do is del temp files but since i didn't del any drivers i suspect that won't do anything, but i'll try.
Something that usually gets asked early on...Do you now or have you ever had another security program on your computer? If so, you will have to remove it with the removal tool for that program.
"I had already used nss for several months and was reinstalling, as directed, due to error in liveupdate. I ran norton cleaner and restarted several times. No other antivirus program installed."
"I had already used nss for several months and was reinstalling, as directed, due to error in liveupdate. I ran norton cleaner and restarted several times. No other antivirus program installed."