I have Norton Security Suite which I got through my ISP. Attempting a backup results in the message 'Back up Failed' . It doesn't tell me why or display an error code. Has anyone experienced this and found a way to get this to work?
Hi thekishere,
Please go to this page on Comcst, click on the No Thanks on the popup and then scroll down the page thru the Featires and Benefits and you will see that Backup and Stoprage is not available in the Comcast Version of Norton Security Suite. However, please also read the * statement at the botom of the page.
Thanks for the link. However, the Backup referred to is online backup. The online back up capability is not available in my version of Norton Security Suite. If my version didn't have any back up features, they wouldn't be availabe and enabled in the application. My backup can only be performed to a local or external drive. It actually starts to back up and fails. Something is preventing it from completing.
Sorry, for the misunderstanding on my part.
I do not use the NSS backup, as I use the native Win 7 backup and imaging capabilities. I have not heard any problems with backup on the Comcast Forums, but will go ahead (as time permits) and set up NSS backup to an external drive on my other system and see if it works OK.
Perhaps someone on this forum uses an external drive for backup with N 360 and can assist you in the meantime.
Hi thekishere,
OK, I set up an external USB HDD and went thru the steps of What, Where, When Saved and then Run Backup and all went as anticipatied.
Only thing tricky (for lack of a better term) was that the external drive had to be connected and turned on prior to selecting it as the backup desitination.
Sorry I wasn't more help.