For years I've endured noisy Full Idle Scans during work hours. Every 6 months or so I spend a little time on Google trying to figure out how to schedule the idle time scan to a more appropriate hour (say 1:00am). However, it does not seem to be possible.
I have gone to Settings -> Tasks Scheduling -> Scheduling.
This is EXACTLY where the user should be able to set the schedule for the disk scans. However, I only see the option to set the PC Tuneup Schedule and the Backup Schedule. I do not use Norton for backups, so I set the PC Tuneup Schedule to only run at 1:00am, hoping that this was some catch-all that included the Full System Idle Scan. It seems that is not the case, as the Full System Idle Scan routinely commences during the mid-morning and afternoon.
Is there anyway to rectify this?
Thank you.