norton security update issues

I recently updated norton security to on my desktop running windows 7.  Even though the website says I have the newest version, I still keep getting a popup that says Norton isn't compatible with windows 10 and I need to update.  I click next, let it do it's thing, and when I look in at the installation files, I see the only thing that has changed is the FSDUI_NIS application file.  All the other installation files are the same, even the time of creation listed, and the prompt never tries to activate an installation.  It just keeps updating that one file.  It's not really effecting my PC's performance but it is annoying and I want it to GO AWAY.  I have three keys for this product and the other two systems running it are not having this problem, however they are both running older versions of windows (XP and vista ultimate).  Can anyone please help?