Norton Servers Wrong Time??

Norton (Katie Q.),


I have had the same issues as everyone else has been experiencing over the last week. I was even on with Norton Tech. Support for almost 1.5 hours reinstalling everything. Well it worked great until I logged off my son's login from Windows 7 and the alerts and notifications stopped once again. As well as my other 2 children and other computers.


I did notice one thing over the last week more than once. Everytime NOF decides to function and I get alerts and activity, they are all showin 20 to 25 minutes into the future. Here are several examples:


My son's curfew is 10PM Eastern (I set his hours per day to 20, so usage is not affecting this), at 9:50PM ET I checked to see how much time he had remaining, NOF was showing 35 minutes! Yes, the clock on the system he was using was correct.


I received an alert that my son had reached his curfew for the night at about 10:02PM. However the alert showed him reaching his curfew time at 10:25PM. Yes, the clock on the system he was using was correct.


I have been watching and checking alerts, when I do get them, against a handwritten log I have been keeping and the time NOF is showing for the occurance has been ahead 20-25 minutes from when it actually occurred. ie. actual 9:00PM and NOF showis it occurring at 9:22PM on an alert received at 9:04PM (All ET).


I have explained this observation to the Techs and Supervisors I have spoken with and as usual I get that "I am talking to a crazy person" tone in their voice. 


Something to check on that may help.


Bill.. .. .