My subscription to N360 has now ended - and I have installed McAfee to see what it is like.
Their SafeKey is so much that Identity Safe should be - for starters :
- it has just a tiny moveable taskbar (one icon so you can put it on other taskbars)
- The drop down is a third of the height of Identity Safe and doesn't keep appearing / disappearing if you try to ignore it and simply type into a field
- You can easily choose whether to auto-login to any site, or whether it just autofills the details
- The folders to organise your bookmarks is simple to use and starts up minimised
- It is fast to access the online vault, search for sites and move sites between folders (drag and drop)
- The folders are sorted in alphabetical order with no option to sort otherwise, but you can't have everything
- It works in Firefox and IE10 without any problems (no plugin for Chrome or Opera)
Best of all, it feels like a computer tool, rather than a kids plaything!