Norton System Doctor Does Not Show Up on Desktop

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

Searching the net for same kind of help & saw your post below - we have the same or a very similar problem.  Hope a resolve happens quick, I'm unsettled due I rely on SysDoc to keep my PCs clean.  

    No suggestions, sorry... but I just started experiencing the same or near your problem Today, i.e. System Doctor (SYSDOC32.exe) software is running, but it cannot be seen in any way on my monitors, nor it's menus addressed in any way to change anything. 

    I contacted Symantec technical support - very nice person worked with me this evening on this disappearnce problem via livechat/remote control - no resolution was found.  They looked my system over, tried several things, then uninstalled & reinstalled System Doctor thru appwiz.cpl = did not fix the problem.  It's clear the software is running according to system info, but it is NOT visible. 

    Symantec advised I attempt to solve problem with nVidia due it's a 'display' problem.  I've emailed PNY for support this evening to see if there's advice to be gained from that end, but nothing about my system's been changed for months - I don't know where this is going at this time.


Hope someone has some help for us here.


Hi, it's not very likely that I can help, but Frettin's reference to his monitors (plural) triggered a thought or two.


Does System Doctor show up as a task on your Task Bar?  Does it show up as the stop-light icon in your notification area?  Do you run it with the Title Bar visible?  If you alt+tab through running tasks, does it show up?  On the last, if it does and you switch to it, where does your pointer go?


My thought is that it may be positioned off of the desktop.  There is probably a registry entry which contains its current position, but I also think there are other ways to get it back without going into the registry (if its the positioning thing).


My System Doctor gadget is a lot of what keeps me loyal to Symantec.


Hi - and thanks very much for your thoughts on this matter - in reply

     SysDoc does not show up on my task bar

                   does not show up as the familiar stop-light icon in notification area.


I tried the Alt-Tab thru running tasks again, but SysDoc is not listed as a running task that way. 


SysDoc shows itself to be a running task in Windows Task Manager and also if you go thru Control Panel / Add-Remove Programs / change Norton Utilities - both of those programs show SysDoc running / active.


I do have 3-monitors - it is possible mine could be a positional issue, the why that Symantec wanted me to check further on that.  With respect, though, nothing about my system monitors, graphics card, or drivers has been changed, and I am only experiencing the problem with SysDoc, no other software or applications.


I emailed PNY techsupport, they responded with an outdated driver update. Called nVidia today and am updating my nVidia driver that they recommended to see if that will help.  Will post results - I'll be relieved of course if this works.


:  I don't know how to find & reposition an app window via registry - though I would find such information extremely helpful at this point if anyone could share.


thanks again - and I agree with you that SysDoc is a lot of what engenders my loyalty as well because it is a little workhorse re: maintaining a healthier system.

Well...  and further on Norwegian's suggestions & ideas

      I found the solution/answer for my 'SysDoc' problem right there in Symantec's program help files, and am sorry to have taken up others' time on this - obligation now is noting the solution that helped me (below) in case it helps someone else and/or noting for Tech Support that this is definitely something to advise on or try if the problem arises again:


Norton SystemWorks / Symantec Help Center / Index / Norton System Doctor / resetting

               'Running Norton System doctor from the command line

                        You can run Norton System Doctor from the command line. For example, you can issue a command to reset Norton System Doctor using the default sensors with their default properties.


  1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Run and navigate to the folder that contains the Norton System Doctor program.
  2. Type the Norton System Doctor command, using the following syntax: SYSDOC32 /RESET

  3. Click OK.

                 (On the above, I did Not have to navigate to SysDoc's program folder.  I just went to Start>Run, typed in the command and clicked OK)


Instant reappearance of SysDoc resulted with program back to original size, location & sensors as advertised = I'm happy.


Thank you again!

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Hey, Frettin.  Congratulations on solving your problem, and thanks for sharing the solution.  I hope glentine gets the word.  It seems likely that it will solve his problem as well, and then this thread can be marked as Solved.


My idea popped up because I have a sister who is prone to accidentally drag things around, sometimes off of her desktop.  One of my responsibilities is to recover such for her.


And I knew that the NSD gadget behaves a bit differently than normal windows, when the Title Bar is suppressed (as mine is).


I said something stupid in my comment.  I’ve never heard of an application storing its current position in the registry.  Windows stores the position and size of various windows for many things it considers to be part of Windows.  I believe those values are almost always updated when the window closes, and then used the next time one opens for the same function / application.  I believe other MS applications typically behave the same way.


Non-MS applications are free to store this information, or not; and to store it in the registry, or not.


It sure doesn’t sound as though your chat-analyst had any decent basis for calling this a “display” problem.  If nothing else, the absence of either a Task Bar entry or a Notification Area icon, fly in the face of that assertion.  I have a problem being worked on by Support, and had to endure four first-level chat-sessions before I got escalated.  The analysts were mostly pretty nice, but a couple of them (there were two in the last session) seemed to be trying to drive me insane.  They may even have succeeded<g>.

Hi Norwegian:  you know the underlying reason NSD went walkabout didn't get addressed (I also help others, and appreciate where your sis takes you) - I didn't drag it off the desktop, but the 'fix' worked for me so I didn't keep digging - who's got that kind of time? Speaking of time =  I did spend three-four days off/on trying to find a solution to get NSD back - and I agree with you on getting assistance =

   1.  Why wasn't the 'reset to default settings' addressed by SymTech help to begin with?  It's easy/quick and no harm if it doesn't work.  It was also indicated, since the program was running but not displaying.  Now, that's 20/20 hindsight of course, but it seems to me that such a simple resolver shouldn't have been untried/overlooked.


I disagree on this point = there's no stupid in your earlier comments.  You took the time to write suggestions, which I followed up on, which ultimately led me to a 'fix' - i.e. after your thoughts, then my eye focused towards a possible reset, which i then found.  I also still find it reasonable/probable that Windows stores something in 'desktop' settings (via the registry where it stores everything) regarding start up apps display locations.  In my book, you were very helpful. 


Hey man, thanks again - it was welcome advice.  Hope your other problem finds solution well & soon.