Norton tab on Outlook email

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Issue abstract: The Norton tab does not appear on my Outlook email.

Detailed description: The Norton tab does not appear on my Outlook email.

Product & version number: Outlook 365, Windows 10

OS details:

What is the error message you are seeing?

If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:

Hello Michael_Monas. This article show the Norton Anti-spam compatibility. Office 365 is on the list.

Norton AntiSpam supported protocols and ports

  • Only POP3 and SMTP protocol is supported.
  • POP3 with SSL is not supported.
  • IMAP & Exchange accounts are not supported.
  • If email client is configured in ports other than default ports 110, then the new port needs to be added to protected ports. *New ports cannot be added as of the last version prior to Norton version 24.xx .