Norton Toolbar 3.5 (Norton Update 16.5) causes Firefox to crash upon exit

Hello. I run Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit with SP1 and I updated Norton Internet Security 2009 (Engilsh) 16.5 so the toolbar version is 3.5.


I run Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7. When the Norton Toolbar is enabled, 90% of the time, when I close Firefox, the crash reporter appears. When I disabled it, the problem was gone. 


Does anyone else experience this issue?

Hello. I run Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit with SP1 and I updated Norton Internet Security 2009 (Engilsh) 16.5 so the toolbar version is 3.5.


I run Mozilla Firefox 3.0.7. When the Norton Toolbar is enabled, 90% of the time, when I close Firefox, the crash reporter appears. When I disabled it, the problem was gone. 


Does anyone else experience this issue?

Currently, almost every time I close Firefox by pressing the Red X, it closes without warning about multiple tabs then the crash reporter appears.


However, Symantec Framework doesnt crash.


I experiented from disabling add-ons and even cleared my whole Firefox profile and it only occurs when Norton Toolbar is enabled.


This might help. Here are the add-ons I have:

Adblock Plus (1.0.1)

Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper (1.0.5)

All-In-One-Sidebar (0.7.10)

FEBE (6.1)

FireGestures (

Fission (1.0.3)

Google Toolbar for Firefox (5.0.20090122Wb2)

Greasemonkey (0.9.20090123.1)

Kallout - Accelerators for Firefox (1.0.18)

KeyScrambler (

Locationbar² (1.0.3)

McAfee SiteAdvisor (28.0)

Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant (1.0)

Norton IPS (1.0)

Norton Toolbar (3.5)

NoScript (

Tab Mix Plus (

WOT (20081111)



I have noticed that since 16.5 update, Firefox crashes 50% of the time when I try to download an executable file.


Hope they review this cases and fix it soon.


Message Edited by alfoundat on 03-21-2009 09:25 AM

@ Alfoundat:


Are you also on Vista?  What version?


For comparison, I am running XP Home sp3, Firefox 3.0.7


Add-ons:   AnyColour .0.2.5


                ColorfulTabs 3.9

                Canadian English Dictionary 1.1.1

                Favicon Picker 2

                Java Quick Starter  1.0

                Norton IPS 1.0

                Norton Toolbar  3.5

                XPL Linkscanner Firefox  2.7.2


In Norton, browser protection is set to on,  antiphishing is set to on, Norton Safe web is set to on, and identity safe is on.  I don't use cards and log-ins.


I have none of the issues that anyone posting on this thread have encountered.


Depending on what security add-ons you have installed, turning Norton antiphishing off may help.  Limiting your add-ons so that you are not duplicating security services may also help prevent conflicts.





YES!!!!! I am on XP Pro SP3 32bit and have had this. I just last week disabled the the Norton Toolbar 3.5 and also have not had it crash since!! I am on NIS2009 I, too, use Firefox 3.0.7 but the same thing happened on Firefox 3.0.5. In fact that is why I did the update to FF 3.0.6 and then to 3.0.7. They all had the same Crash Reporter issue when I closed FF.

Message Edited by MPSAN on 03-21-2009 12:44 PM
Message Edited by MPSAN on 03-21-2009 12:46 PM
Message Edited by MPSAN on 03-21-2009 12:48 PM
Message Edited by MPSAN on 03-21-2009 12:48 PM



Can you list your add-ons to see if there is a pattern that might safely allow the use of the Norton Toolbar?

I have Vista Home Premium and using Firefox. The Norton Toolbar worked fine and no problem with Firefox closing. But after was loaded almost every time not every time I closed Firefox I get the crash report. But it isn't crashing until after I close Firefox. No crashing while on Firefox and it doesn't give crash warning every time I close just about 80% of the time


Message Edited by cpp on 03-21-2009 02:29 PM

I'm glad I found this thread as I have the exact same problem. Firefox 3.0.7 sometimes crashes on exit (Vista SP1). If I disable the Norton Toolbar Add-In, the problem goes away. Worked perfectly before the 16.5 update.


What with this, the fuss about the Ask toolbar and the context menu problem, 16.5 is turning out to be a disappointing release.

I’m not sure but it seems to crash upon exiting a lot less often when I have more than 1 tab open and the close multiple tab save session dialog appears.

The easiest way to see what's causing the crash, is to allow the crash reporting tool to submit the crash.  Then open Firefox and type "about:crashes" in the address bar (without quotes) and then click on the top most report.  Let it process and then look for a reference to Norton.


Or just paste the URL of the report page here.



That is brilliant!  Thanks for the info.

Hi Feedomstar,


Sorry to hear about your problems.


I've recently completed a clean install of XP SP3 plus the usual programs / utilities.  I brought the DOT NET framework up to 3.5 plus all serive packs and most OS updates.


When FF 3.06 auto-updated to 3.0.7 the wheels fell off my happy (nice clean) system and ...


FF crashed fairly regularly and

FF did not warn me about closeing multiple tabs ... it's this that was annoying most of all.


I removed FF completely and reinstalled 3.0.6- problem solved. And I updated this installation of FF from within the browser rather than use the standalone installer.


I use too many FF addons for my own good ...


Adblock Plus 1.0.1

Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper 1.0.5

All-in One-Sidebar 0.7.10

AUSTLII Toolbar 1.1.7

Bigpond File check 0.1

Download Status bar

Download Helper 4.2

Downloadthemall 1.1.1

Duplicate Tab 1.0.2

Extended status bar 1.5.3

FEBE 6.1 (profile backup / restore utility)

FireFTP 1.0.4

Flashgot 1.1.8

Free Download Manager 1.3.4

Freecorder Toolbar ... my primary suspect

Huperwords 5.3

Java Qucik Starter 1.0 (did not choose this - it appeared after updating the JRE)

Microsoft .Net Franework Assistant 1.0 (don't recall choosing this but might have been part of the install / update process for DOT NET)

Net Usage Item (really brilliant)

Norton IPS 1.0 (norton intrustion protection)

Norton Toolbar 3.5

Send to URLS 2.0

SmartWhiIs Launcher 1.8 - doesn't work :)

Tab control 0.4.1

Tab Saver 1.1.2


The crashes / problems with FF occurred before I updated to 16.5 but after I installed a couple of MS XP security patches.


Like I said, I use far too many add-ons for my own good.  But I don't have any problems since unistalling FF 3.0.7, rebooting, downgrading and the updating via FF itself.


When the problems appeared a number of other programs updated too ... including Adobe and many of the FF addons.


I never really found out what caused the problem but suspected it might be related to the DOT NET framdwork updates and or Freecorder (FF addon).


So ... I can confirm similar problems (now resolved) without 16.5 update ... suggests the update *may* not be the cause of this problem but an APE (alternate plausible explanation).


When I did update to 16.5 (manually) ... could not have been an easier process.  Quite uneventful.


Hope this helps ... I agree that it might help if we give addon info / status of our DOT NET installation when posting to see if a pattern appears.






I think that part of the problem is the constant updating of programs lately for security reasons.  They are coming too fast to make sure that there are no errors.  In the recent past Firefox has gone from 2 something to 3.0.7, the add-ons have to be written to catch up, Microsoft is updating steadily, Adobe, Real Player which is a sloppy thing anyway but I need it for course programs.  There are guaranteed to be conflicts.  It makes trouble-shooting very hit or miss until things settle down.

Absolutely spot on :slight_smile:

@ delphinium if someone is to create an addon for firefox, they should test it with the latest version not just stick it in for us. If that someone is unable to keep up with the latest versions then they should stop with the addon(s) or set it to be compatible with a particular version e.g. 3.0.1 etc. I’d rather use a secure browser, then have some addons which do not work properly and  I do not use … ( e.g. norton toolbar)

It looks like Live Update updated my NIS2009 last night to ver I also use Firefox 3.0.7 but so far have not had any crashes when closing Firefox. How do you check the current version of the Norton Toolbar? Still using IE6 but thinking about upgrading to IE8 since the final was released a few days ago. Thanks.

After reading this I also tested FF 307 and so far no problems.



Aviator327 wrote:
How do you check the current version of the Norton Toolbar? Still using IE6 but thinking about upgrading to IE8 since the final was released a few days ago. Thanks.

FF addon version checking


It depends upon whether or not you have the brilliant All-in-One-Sidebar or not.  If you do then you just click on the icon for addons and you will see a list of them which contains their version info.  You might need to expand the frame a bit.


Otherwise, tools / addons ... and you should see version info too.


IE 6 -> IE 8


There are no good reasons to hold onto IE 6 and a whole lot of very valid reasons to move upwards - at least to IE 7.  IE 6 is a walking security risk with decreasing support from third party tools.


You can upgrade to IE 7 (pretty good) by going here: 


XP PRO (SP 2/3) : Windows Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP

Vista SP 1: built into the system as I recall.


IE 8 ... tempting but might be a tad problematic.  We often take third party tools for granted.  Many are designed to work with a specific set of browsers (FF, IE 6/7, Opera, Safari etc).  These third party tools (NIS, NAV, JRE, various toolbars, Adobe etc) *may* work perfectly well with IE 8  but then again they might not yet have stable releases.  In other words, you might find some things don't work or might interfere with other tools.


Developers are catching up, of course.  I'm a bit reluctant to move away from a stable working environment into one which might give me the odd headache unless the benefits outweigh any annoyances.  Have not seen anything to convince that IE 8 is 'far better' than FF 3.0.7.  Guess it's a matter of taste in the end ... some folks just drool over opera (light, fast powerful, simple).




Hello. Thanks for all your replies.


I just checked about:crashes and they all seem to say @coFFPlgn.dll followed by a string of characters.


When I looked this dll file name up, I found out that its part of Symantec Norton Confidential, which would be Norton Internet Security 2009's Norton Toolbar.


For example: Firefox 3.0.7 Crash Report [@ coFFPlgn.dll@0x67e8c ]