Norton Toolbar customize for Firefox

Hi all,


I find the toolbar very useful,but lately most of my browsing has involved a continual fight for screen space & the Norton toolbar is taking a lot of useful space for such few controls,so its first to go. I find myself continually enabling/disabling it.......starting to ruin the much that I find myself here to ask for a fix.....


Please if u find the time Norton, find a solution for this, I would very much appreciate that & I'm sure a lot of others would too.

If its not too much to ask,a status bar position would be ideal for my purposes,if that wouldn't be too hard to implement.




Note: Yes I did search for similar threads,yes there was others,but they seemed to be all locked & I really needed to have my say lol.

          Yes I did see the suggestion box,but guess what?....that was also locked,long,convoluted & really needs a good overhaul.....


Also,the word verification is really hard to read on most attempts.....