Ok, if I can only get the vault online; how does my browser get to it? The icon for the vault says closed and does bring in the logins from the vault.
Pour compléter, pensez à vérifier que Norton Vulnérability Protection est activé.
(dans Firefox >> Modules complémentaires)
PS : Je suis interpeller par le numéro de version de votre Norton Toolbar
je ne suis qu'à la version 2013.3.0.26 mise à jour ce jour sous Firefox 19.0.2 / Windows 8.
Quel produit Norton utilisez-vous ? Quel est votre Système d'exploitation ?
je confirme les versions. windows xp/ Firefox 19.0.2 / Norton Toolbar 2013 3.1.3.
Je suspecte un probleme Firefox. En effet quand je le ferme, le process firefox ne se termine pas, je suis obligé de l'avorter et au démarrage suivant j'ai perdu les tool bar et n'ai plus accès à la gestion des modules complémentaires en outre les url qui sont supposés ouvrir des fenêtre pop up, ne fonctionnent plus...
Je vais contacter un forum Firefox.
Bonjour depuis la mise çà jour Firefox 19.0 la barre d'outil Norton n'apparait plus dans Firefox. Le module complémentaire Norton toolbar 2013.3.1.3 est bien activé dans firefox.
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse
Jean-Didier Pons
Vu sur forum firefox: j'ai invalidé l'accélaration matérielle dans les options avancées de firefox, j'ai arrêté et relancé firefox. Le problème n'apparait plus...même après avoir remis l'accélération matérielle dans les options avancées de firefox, A suivre...
Let us know the Internet browser your use(name & version). Try to run LiveUpdate repeatedly from your Norton program until you receive all the available updates, restart the computer and then check for the Norton Toolbar in your browser. Let us know the results.
I am running internet explorer version 8.0, and ive run live update a few times but theres nothing left to update and ive still got nothing
Hi Yesman222,
Did you upgrade from a previous version of NIS to NIS 2010, or is this a new install of NIS 2010?
Also, can you please make sure that browser protection is enabled in NIS? Open NIS 2010, then go to "Settings" on the "Web" Tab and ensure that "Browser Protection", "Safe Surfing" etc. are turned on (green).
Yesman222 wrote:
I am running internet explorer version 8.0, and ive run live update a few times but theres nothing left to update and ive still got nothingMessage Edited by Yesman222 on 01-01-2010 08:00 PM
Have you rebooted yet?
Yesman222 wrote:
I am running internet explorer version 8.0, and ive run live update a few times but theres nothing left to update and ive still got nothingMessage Edited by Yesman222 on 01-01-2010 08:00 PM
If rebooting hasn't solved the problem, you can try disabling, then reabling -- a strategy that often works:
1. Close all browsers, including AOL if you have it.
2. Open the Norton IS main console.
3. Click on Web Settings.
4. Turn off Browser Protection, Download Intelligence, Identity Safe, and Safe Surfing. Click Apply. At some point you will be prompted to say for how long you wish to do this -- answer "permanently". Click "okay" and close the console.
5. Open the console again.
6. Click on Web Settings.
7. Turn on the components you turned off before. Click "okay". Close the console.
Now open a browser and see if the issue is fixed.
I have rebooted, and i upgraded to NIS 2010 from the 09 version. I tried the steps you gave me, but im still not getting it.
Hi Yesman222,
Are you running the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer? The Norton browser add-ons do not work or appear in the 64-bit version of IE 8. If you are running the 32-bit version of IE and you had the toolbar before upgrading from NIS 2009 to NIS 2010, then it looks like you might have to reinstall NIS 2010. If NIS 2010 is the only product on your computer, then you can use the removal tool method.
Note: the removal tool will wipe out your settings and any other Norton products installed on your computer. It will not touch your product key, however, and your newly installed Norton product should pick up your key automatically.
-Also, back up your Identity Safe data beforehand:
-download the removal tool from here and save it to your desktop:
-download the full NIS 2010 installation package from here and save it to your desktop:
-make sure you have got your product key handy (you can get it from your Norton account) just to be on the safe side.
-deactivate any other security software you may have, such as Windows Defender. However, please leave Norton running. As a side note: running two real-time security programs on one machine is not recommended.
-if you wish, you can create a system restore point
-disconnect physically from the internet (remove the internet cable) that way your computer is not exposed.
-if you're in Vista: right-click on the removal tool icon, run as administrator; run the removal tool 2-3 times, rebooting each time after every run
-after running the removal tool: if in Vista: right-click NIS 2010 icon, run as administrator, let it install itself. When it wants to connect with the web, connect again to the internet.
Please post back with the results. Thanks :-)
You are correct. Unchecking the boxes will leave them enabled; leaving the boxes checked will disable them along with the toolbar being disabled.
Thank-You sir.
Nah, only a disable button...so I'm assuming it's enabled. But the version numbers of the extensions listed in Tony's sticky are different??
AND no toolbar :(
I edited my post.
You a right! Tony hasn't updated that post.
The version number for the toolbar in Firefox Add-ons should be 2012.5.5.11. This was unchanged when the recent patch updated coWPPlg.dll in the Norton Program folder to version 2012.5.5.12. The OP's version should work. Is the toolbar missing? Are components not working? We need a description of the problem beyond "not working."
Hi All,
I saw the sticky on Norton toolbar and Norton Vulnerability Protection fix for firefox 14. However, mine still isn't working.
I have N360 Premier V.
And Firefox 14.0.1
My FF extensions shown are Norton Toolbar 2012.5.5.11 & Norton Vulnerability Protection -1
Any ideas?