Norton Utilities destroyed my OS (computer)

I have windows 7 64bit home premium, I purchased and installed Norton Utilities.

I run the update feature to the latest version.
I ran the registry defragger and on the reboot the system failed to boot. 
The OS was trashed. I lost the lot.   Gone, not even the Windows 7 disk could repair it.    Grrrr....     :(


I had to spend days reinstalling everything, some photo's I had not been backed up were lost forever.

Why?  ... it was the latest version, I came with no warnings on this issue. It cost me time and money, it was suppose to be SAFE !!

A waste of money, I have now found others here that have had the same disaster with the registry defragger.


One got a refund?



* And the "startup" feature is gone as well?      Im told I can check what programs are running at startup but the feature is NOT there to use on this latest version? 





Message Edited by mfree45 on 01-14-2010 05:01 PM