Norton Utilities 14.5 PerformanceTest 6.1 benchmarks

I am running the PerformanceTest 6.1 program (by PassMark) included with Norton Utilities 14.5. PC is Win7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit.


I am wanting to compare the results of the tests with those at the PassMark website. PassMark support indicated to me:


"You can compare results you get from V6 from other users of V6 from within the PerformanceTest program. The menu "Baseline->Install baseline from web", will let you search for baselines to compare with."


But... That option is NOT available in the version run from the Baseline menu pulldown in the pt.exe program accessed with Norton.


Also, the Norton Utilities Help document contains this:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Utilities 14\Tools\PerformTester\64\English\Html\index.html

Downloading Extra Baselines from PassMark

If you are a registered licensed user of PerformanceTest, additional Baselines can be downloaded from PassMark’s Web site ((



But it doesn't provide the details on how to BECOME a "registered, licensed" user.


So is it possible to do what I want to do, using the Norton version of PerformanceTest?