While this particular time I'm having the problem with norton utilities. I get this same same problem with every norton product I pick up. Whenever it does a back ground scan it takes vast amount of computer resources preventing me from doing any high CPU activity process. I know it is Norton doing this because right when my computer finally stops slowing down, a message from norton pops up saying scan is complete. Every time during the scan it shows almost the entire CPU is at system idle processes yet when I try to do anything, it goes super slow. Using the computer does nothing to keep norton from hogging all the system resources. I've even tried going into the task manager and giving what I'm doing priority but that does not work. Even in past products I've used where there is a silent mode, it did nothing to prevent norton from weighing down the computer. I've since gotton rid of norton internet security since it has a nasty habit of disabling virus protection once the subscription expired instead of leaving the current protection running but still using nortan utilities. Norton utilities is causing major slow downs. How do I fix this?