Norton Utilities 15 Uninstall Incomplete

Unistall of NU 15 was incomplete using Control Panel or from the program folder in Start Menu. On restarting after the uninstall, there was an error message about "some Norton message could not be found...skipping auto detect" then the restarting process would continue. Installing NU 16 did not help. Tried unintall NU 16, then NU 15 could not be reinstalled. Msg was already had a newer version, though the NU 16 folder was empty in the start menu.

It became a vicious circle, and no way to remove the error message on startup. NU 16 could not be reinsalled either, clicking on auto setup, the "finish check mark" popped up, the installation had not even begun. Anyone has experienced the same situation and a solution?. Now the PC has no NU 15 or NU 16, only the annoying msg on restart.

1. Have not tried Norton Removal Tool - it removes all Norton Products. There is no Norton removal tool specified for the removal of Norton Utilities.

2. Have also tried Revo Pro. It did not remove the error msg on startup: "C:\....Norton...file cannot be found.....skipping auto detect".

3. However, after using Revo, it allows me to reinstall NU 15 and the error msg is gone.

4. But unable to upgrade to NU 16, requires first to uninstall NU15. The trouble is NU 15 cannot be fully uninstalled as mentioned above. After installing N16, the same error msg still pops up. 

5. Uninstall NU 16 and try to reinstall NU 15 again to remove the error msg. Cannot be done, Error msg from NU 15 install is "Newer version already installed".

6. Use Revo Pro once more to remove traces of NU 16, then it did allow to reinstall NU 15.

7. The final outcome is after all these runarounds, cannot upgrade to NU 16 successfully without the startup error msg..

8. On another matter. Ghost has problems running in Windows 8 and 64 bit Windows 7.

9. The final verdict :NU and Ghost should not be sold at Fry's.Tthey are not listed on the Norton website under their products tab implying that their products are flawed. Bad experience with previous Norton support, will not go there again.



Sorry you are having such a problem with NU. The Norton Removal Tool should remove NU. It is one of the undocumented features.

Ghost 15 ran fine on my installation of w7x64 until I upgraded to SSR

Only SSR will run on w8. This is one reason that the Ghost line is fading into the past. NU16 will play well with w8

Since there are still many folks who continue to run w7 they can still use Ghost until they change operating systems.

Keep us posted

Unistall of NU 15 was incomplete using Control Panel or from the program folder in Start Menu. On restarting after the uninstall, there was an error message about "some Norton message could not be found...skipping auto detect" then the restarting process would continue. Installing NU 16 did not help. Tried unintall NU 16, then NU 15 could not be reinstalled. Msg was already had a newer version, though the NU 16 folder was empty in the start menu.

It became a vicious circle, and no way to remove the error message on startup. NU 16 could not be reinsalled either, clicking on auto setup, the "finish check mark" popped up, the installation had not even begun. Anyone has experienced the same situation and a solution?. Now the PC has no NU 15 or NU 16, only the annoying msg on restart.



Unless things have changed the NRT will ask you to manually uninstall NU before it runs.  It won't uninstall NU for you.


I was thinking that I was not remembering something about that combination :smileysad:

Age does that to you after a while

Thanks for the reminder