I have had this problem before with this and now it is doing it again. I have tried the same thing that worked before but it does not work. I added it to administer, settings, Ignore list and added it to keys. This will not help at all. Can someone help me with this problem???
I have had this problem before with this and now it is doing it again. I have tried the same thing that worked before but it does not work. I added it to administer, settings, Ignore list and added it to keys. This will not help at all. Can someone help me with this problem???
Thanks for adding the image. What is your exact exclusion line in NU? Is it just HKEY_USERS?
In the previous thread I had suggested that you might want to start adding on to this path to see where the exclusion first stops working. Had you done this or is it generic with just the HKEY_USERS?
If you have a different ignore key you should try just the top level one above just to reconfirm if this helps. And just to make sure, you have this under the Keys tab of the Ignore List, correct?
Also can you do a search of your hard drive via Windows Explorer for anything with GoogleDesktop in the name? This is the part after the last backslash from your image below. If something with this in the filename comes up we should probably add this in the Ignore List under the Values tab.
BTW: I never could reproduce this on my computer with what I believe is the same set of Registry keys you have.
Sorry it has been a few days been very busy at school. Yes I did try this "Had you done this or is it generic with just the HKEY_USERS" it did not work I put it "Keys tab of the Ignore List" Here is a pic of google desk top
Thanks for the update and sorry about the delay. I missed the email alert when you posted your update.
I can't tell for sure from your reply. Are you using just the HKEY_USERS in the ignore lists? Is it the same entry which previously worked the last time around?
Let's try one other thing. Go back into the ignore list and under the Values tab this time, add the following:
C:\Program Files\Google
Then click add and make sure you save your changes. Then try another scan.
If this still locks up, I am going to try and solicit some attention from a Symantec rep who deals with detailed issues with Norton Utilities.
Thanks for the update and no problem about you not being on in a while.
You can attach images by clicking on the symbol near the top, then browse to your image.
Please attach two images showing your configured exclusions, one for the Values tab and one for the Keys tab.
Also, I know this was not available last time we worked on this together but hoping this time might be different. After trying to do the full scan, please click on the General tab of the settings page, then Open Log Folder. See if there is a file called Scan.log and if so please attach that via the Add Attachment at the bottom.
P.S. If you had a problem posting an image before (which it sounds like you did) there was a temporary hiccup with adding images but this should now be fixed.
Thanks for the update and images. On the keys tab it is truncating part of the entry. Can you fill in the missing details of this entry? Also, you indicated earlier in the thread that you tried configuring the exclusion for just HKEY_USERS but this is not your current setting. As long as you are sure you tried this and it did not work, that should be OK.
How large is your scan.log file? On mine at least it does not typically get very large.
Here is an alternative if the file is too large to include as an attachment to your post. You can upload this file to http://www.sendspace.com/. At the end of your upload it should give you instructions about how to let the recipient (myself) retrieve this file.
Would you mind uploading this file and then copy/paste the instructions on retrieving this file into a Private Message to me? You can send me a private message (PM) by clicking on my user name in the upper left corner of one of my posts, then select Send this user a private message.
However this turns out I want to apprise Symantec of this problem but I want to see what (if anything) I can glean from the scan.log file before I do so.
I was going back over your posting and wanted to make sure I answered your questions. I did add the exact exclusion line in NU both under Values and under Keys. I also added just HKEY_USERS on both. As far as this question, Also can you do a search of your hard drive via Windows Explorer for anything with GoogleDesktop in the name? I did add GoogleDesktop.exe and it too did not work :( Now what do we need to do? I have paid good money to use this system and it seems like it just does not work on my system...
Thanks for the update. As I said I am going to ask Symantec to take a look at this and the previous thread on this same problem. I had wanted to look at the scan.log file to see if there are any clues in there as to what is going on.
I have now asked to have Symantec involved. It is a good chance they will want to see this log as well as possibly other logs.
I am not sure if Symantec is going to pick up my request over the weekend but hopefully by Monday someone will respond to this thread.
another issue I have seen is that when I click on manage your startup norton sends me a warning that it has to close and then closes. Is this all the same issue or do I have another problem?
Thanks for the update. This is an interesting turn of events since there has never been indications of problems of this nature until now.
We are going to need to reinstall NU to try and clear this up. To really make sure things are cleaned up properly and give the best chance of a good reinstall of NU we will probably want to use the Norton Removal tool.
Before we proceed, what other Norton/Symantec products do you have installed?
Thanks for the update. I was wondering about other Norton or Symantec software apart from NU.
To clear up the latest error we do need to uninstall and reinstall NU and the chances are better of everything getting cleaned up if we use the Norton removal tool, however this will remove any other Norton software as well.
I've also received the scan.log file you uploaded to SendSpace, thanks very much for that. This log file indicates that you have the latest NU 14.5, not 14.0
The latest problem with Norton Utilities is concerning so we need to run the Norton Removal tool to try and clean this up.
Please NOTE that this removes ALL Symantec products so be sure to have your license keys ready as you will need to reinstall all your Symantec software products.
Once done please download the Norton Removal Tool from Symantec from this link.
Run the Norton Removal Tool and once it is completed, please reboot your computer. Once up please run the Removal Tool one more time and once again reboot.
Please double check in Control Panel > Add/Remove programs and look for any Norton or Symantec entries. They should all be gone but if you do find any, please note which ones they are and uninstall them from add/remove programs.
Then please reinstall all your Symantec products and download all updates to them.
Then see if the problem is still present.
If you do not still have the Norton Utilities installer software from the last time a few months ago, you can download the trial version from here.
Please make sure you run Live Update until no more updates are found before you run any of the utilities, especially the registry ones.
If either the latest crash issue or the deep scan issue is still present after this, then we need to get Symantec to take a look.