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Issue abstract: VPN turned on because content tampering detected.
Detailed description: “some of the websites on your device have been altered for the purposes of fraud” but no further information. How can I identify the offending websites?
Product & version number: Norton 360
OS details: Android 14
What is the error message you are seeing?
If you have any supporting screenshots, please add them:
Motorola G73 5G, Android 14. I have run Norton 360 checks and they do not identify any problems. If I reboot my phone so that memory is clear and no browsers are open, the VPN immediatelt switches on with the message indicated previously. I am frustrated that Norton appears to have identified a problem but does not provide the details necessary to take further action.
It is a jpg. I have tried sending a reply with the screenshot, but it does not work. There is no radio button as described in the instructions, and I am told that I cannot embed a media file in a post.