Norton websafe verification testing still pending

Hi, my site is

still unrated (

and the Summary: This site has not been tested yet


It has been over a month since I requested to "Rate my site"


FYI: the domain name Creation Date: 20-Oct-2011 would this have any thing to do with it?


Is there any thing else I need/should do to get the rateing pross done faster,

I did send a email to site_owner_help_en on 11 Jan 2012

That was fast I had checked right before posting.


Thanks :smileyvery-happy:

Hi, my site is

still unrated (

and the Summary: This site has not been tested yet


It has been over a month since I requested to "Rate my site"


FYI: the domain name Creation Date: 20-Oct-2011 would this have any thing to do with it?


Is there any thing else I need/should do to get the rateing pross done faster,

I did send a email to site_owner_help_en on 11 Jan 2012